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Spring Cloud AWS Samples

Samples are prepared to run on LocalStack - a local equivalent of AWS.

To start LocalStack locally:

$ docker-compose up


Samples use AWS CDK to create the infrastructure components to run the sample. To deploy infrastructure, you need to install CDK and CDK local:

$ npm install -g aws-cdk-local aws-cdk

Then, in infrastructure directory:

$ mvn package
$ cdklocal bootstrap 
$ cdklocal deploy

How to run?

Samples are regular Spring Boot applications. The best way to run them is to run the main @SpringBootApplication annotated class directly from an IDE.

How to destroy infrastructure?

Infrastructure is destroyed once LocalStack container shuts down. If you want to destroy infrastructure manually, run:

$ cdklocal destroy

How to run against real AWS?

To run samples against real AWS, update properties in sample's to reflect your AWS configuration or delete these properties completely to use defaults.