Load bash environment inside your zsh session. Useful for Gitpod and also local PC usage (to avoid restarting PC).
It's recommended that you append this script at the very beginning of the top-level zshrc
(i.e. /etc/zsh/zshrc
I highly encourage you to read the (tiny) script before proceeding: ./src/lib.sh
After you've understood what it does, run the following command(s):
data="$(curl -sSL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/axonasif/bashenv.zsh/87cf0ce8dc54b0feb39142a28a1d569841b61ca8/src/lib.sh")bashenv.zsh"
echo "$data" >> ~/.zshrc
Now restart your shell:
exec zsh -l
Note: This is auto installed from dotsh.