For the development mentioned to be completed as per the intructions on the sheet that I had received on the email. I have mentioned the code that I have written.
How to Build the application : Step 1 - Clone the repository using the HTTPS Link. Step 2 - Use Git Bash to execute Git Clone command to download the project in Visual Studio 2022 Step 3 - Launch the serive on Visual Studio 2022 Step 4 - Once you have opened the project in VS 2022 , please go head and build the service to ensure no error is there. Step 5 - Run the serive using IISExpress and it should open the page.
Add Migration and Update Database 1- dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate 2- dotnet ef database update
In order to run the service
Please use this link to view the swagger page - http://localhost:17678/swagger/index.html