A Rubybot implementation for Slack, customized for a cave of hats. Based on the Slack Ruby gem from https://github.com/dblock/slack-ruby-bot
- Rename config.rb.sample to config.rb
- Edit config.rb and replace config items
- Create the database with
rake db:migrate
- Launch with
ruby rbot.rb start
Create a file in hooks. See the hooks dir for examples for examples.
Simply add .txt files to db/txt and random_line.rb will pick them up on launch. $args will be replaced with the arguments provided, and $source with the originating nick.
- !bitcoin - Show current Bitcoin price (Alias: !btc)
- !calc - BC calculator
- !conv - Converter and math engine using Wolfram Alpha (Alias: !ask)
- !domain - Look up domain
- !flip - Flip text
- !hungry - Generate a delicious meal
- !points, !--, !++ - Add to or subrtract from the value of something
- !stock - Show stock information for a given symbol
- !timecube - You cannot comprehend this hook
- !timetil - Duration until something
- !ud - Get Urban Dictionary definitions
- !update - Update from git and reload hooks
- !w - gets the weather from wunderground. For a default location, edit the "what I do" field in your profile
- !whatis/!remember/!forget - Remember something == something else
- Random lines: See db/txt for active hooks