- Germany
- https://Causescash.slack.com
- @krise636
js-ipfs Public
Forked from ipfs/js-ipfsIPFS implementation in JavaScript
BitcoinFilesJS Public
Forked from simpleledger/BitcoinFilesJSJS Library for the Bitcoin Files Protocol
cashaccounts Public
Forked from Bitcoin-com/cashaccountsCash Accounts
bitbox-gui Public
Forked from bigearth/bitbox-guiBITBOX GUI
docs-travis-ci-com Public
Forked from travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-comThe Travis CI Documentation
CSS UpdatedMar 10, 2025 -
jwt-bch-lib Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/jwt-bch-libAn npm library for interacting with jwt-bch-api used by fullstack.cash
blockchain-wallet-v4-frontend Public
Forked from blockchain/blockchain-wallet-v4-frontendBlockchain.com's Wallet built with React & Redux
hedgycash Public
Forked from BCHDEVCON3/hedgycashhedgy.cash: an interface to the AnyHedge platform
remix-project Public
Forked from ethereum/remix-projectRemix is a browser-based compiler and IDE that enables users to build Ethereum contracts with Solidity language and to debug transactions.
psf-metrics Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/psf-metricsMetrics for the PSF organization, written to the BCH blockchain once per day.
tokenbridge Public
Forked from fuseio/tokenbridgeMono repository of Token Bridge (Oracle, UI, Deployment, Monitor). TokenBridge is an interoperability solution between Ethereum networks for native to ERC20 and ERC20 to ERC20 cross chain transfers
bridge-faucet Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/bridge-faucetA token faucet REST API for the AVAX-SLP bridge.
docs-exchange-api Public
Forked from blockchain/docs-exchange-apiBlockchain.com Exchange API documentation
truffle-plugin-verify Public
Forked from rkalis/truffle-plugin-verify✅ Verify your smart contracts on Etherscan from the Truffle CLI
OpenQuestDB Public
Forked from blockchain/OpenQuestDBHigh performance, low latency multi-value SQL database optimised for time series
cube.js Public
Forked from cube-js/cube📊 Cube.js — Open-Source Analytical API Platform
avax-cli-wallet Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/avax-cli-walletAn Avalanche command line wallet
update.electronjs.org Public
Forked from electron/update.electronjs.org📡 A free service that makes it easy for open-source Electron apps to update themselves.
slp-api Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/slp-apiA REST API using Koa for doing complex SLP tasks.
psfoundation-website2 Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/psfoundation-website2Converted the original website into an IPFS-ready Gatsby website.
walletconnect-monorepo Public
Forked from WalletConnect/walletconnect-monorepoWalletConnect Monorepo
azuredatastudio Public
Forked from microsoft/azuredatastudioAzure Data Studio is a data management tool that enables working with SQL Server, Azure SQL DB and SQL DW from Windows, macOS and Linux.
ScatterDesktop Public
Forked from GetScatter/ScatterDesktopConnect to applications on EOS, Ethereum, and Tron. Exchange tokens with ease. Manage your assets safely. All in a simple to use interface.
pay-to-write-orbitdb Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/pay-to-write-orbitdbCreate an Orbit database where anyone can write, if they prove they burnt an SLP token.
next.js Public
Forked from ctjlewis/next.jsThe React Framework
bchnode-web Public
Forked from bitcoin-cash-node/bchnode-webBitcoin Cash Node website
coldoutreach Public
Forked from gitcoinco/coldoutreachcoldoutreach recruitment app
bch-wallet-starter Public
Forked from Permissionless-Software-Foundation/bch-wallet-starterA Gatsby Starter that leverages the gatsby-ipfs-web-wallet Gatsby Theme for creating a BCH wallet app.