Steps to check when starting, working and publishing a module to NPM
You can add the included into your project, or copy it into your; then check items off as you go. Use one of the two badges to let everyone know your module is solid.
Example: manpm
- watch the series How to Write an Open Source JavaScript Library; it is extremely useful for any NPM project (OSS or closed-sourced).
- start unit testing right away, pick your unit testing framework
- start linting code to prevent obvious problems, like misspelled variable. eslint, jshint, jscs or all of them together gulp-lint-everything
- run linting and unit tests on each commit locally. pre-git, ghooks and use ban-sensitive-files to avoid committing sensative files (like private keys).
- use code quality as a service tool to fight creeping code complexity. Codacy, CodeClimate, BitHound
- validate commit message using pre-git or commitizen with validate-commit-msg. This enables other tools, like intelligent release notes.
- use logging library to show more information during debugging or verbose mode. debug, logdown
- show the project's GitHub open issues on demand or on commit using git-issues
- setup continuous integration server, like TravisCI or CircleCI (or wait until you set up semantic-release which will set up TravisCI for you).
- add badges to the README to make broken unit tests or out of date dependencies visible
- ci server badge
- published NPM package info NodeICO
- production and dev dependencies being out of date david-dm
- semantic release badge
- code quality badges
- insecure code or dependencies
- check module published size and white list only necessary files, tutorial
- setup semantic-release to automate publishing and avoid breaking semver. This is important, but is currently broken in too many projects. Even this checklist is using semver!
- avoid surprizes by using exact versions of the top level dependencies. Use save-exact NPM setting and exact-semver to enforce it.
- setup a script to reliably update out of date dependencies using next-update
- setup automatic pull requests when newer versions of dependencies appear
- if writing a CLI tool, add a way to check if it is out of date and should be upgraded; update-notifier
- scan dependencies and code for known security vulnerabilities. snyk, NodeSecurity
- catch missing or invalid
values using grunt-nice-package or fixpack - write simple installation commands for your module
- write "quick intro" example showing the main feature of your module
- add file with clear guidelines how others can add new features or fix bugs in your module. Atom editor and lodash have excellent examples to follow. When GitHub finds a file it shows a message to anyone opening an issue.
- generate documentation automatically. xplain is my own tool for JS to HTML/Markdown generation
- place most of the public API documentation in README file for simple retrieval.
This allows other developers to find relevant sections right from the command line manpm
or by looking up
npm home package-name
- use a library to output the correct plural forms of words in the user messages pluralize
Source: npm-module-checklist
If you include the separate checklist file, you can automatically insert / update it inside the README. Setup the markdown update as a step in your build process using update-markdown.
Everyone is welcome to submit pull requests with new content. I just ask to check before submitting a new content that:
- it is not covered by an item that already is in the list.
- if there is an open issue,
please reference it in your commit message.
You can even check the list of issues from command line before committing
npm run issues
. - has links to an explanation why it is a good idea and tools that help accomplish it.
- Make sure to run
npm run build
once to update the checklist inside
- Kent C. Dodds @kentcdodds
- Gleb Bahmutov @bahmutov
Author: Gleb Bahmutov © 2015
License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.
Spread the word: tweet, star on github, etc.
Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github