tg-broadcast is a Telegram broadcast & auto response script (a.k.a. robot) for telegram-cli(unofficial).
There are a few Telegram bot scripts out there. Go find one that fits you. If you want to broadcast messages with Telegram, I recommend to use this script.
tg-broadcast is tested on telegram-cli 1.3.1.
GitHub repository:
You can broadcast to multiple subscribers. Your friends can subscribe or unsubscribe by simply sending a message to you.
Any stdout
omitting program can be used to send reply message. Adding new response rules is easy.
Use SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB, or just text files for subscriber management.
Clone and compile telegram-cli. Follow the instruction in telegram-cli(unofficial) page.
$ cd ~
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd tg
$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev libjansson-dev libpython-dev
$ ./configure
$ make
Done? Copy the compiled binary and key file into ~/telegram-cli
$ mkdir ~/telegram-cli
$ cp bin/telegram-cli ~/telegram-cli
Now you can run telegram-cli. Run it first time and do the authorization.
$ cd ~/telegram-cli
$ ./telegram-cli
Type "help" on the telegram-cli prompt to see available commands.
Clone this repo into your home.
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd tg-broadcast
Install SQLite3. (Recommended. If you don't want use SQLite3, see config.lua
$ sudo apt-get install sqlite3
Now you can run the script:
$ ~/tg-broadcast/test # run REPL mode
$ ~/tg-broadcast/start # run daemon mode
$ ~/tg-broadcast/stop # kill running telegram-cli process
When the script is running, send help
message to yourself and you'll get this reply:
help : This help
ip : Server's IP address
time : Server's time
calendar : Calendar
weather CITY: Weather for CITY
subscribe : Subscribe my news
unsubscribe : Unsubscribe my news
(admin only)
broadcast : Force broadcast now
notify : Send a message to subscribers
safequit : Turn off robot
Now edit config.lua
to edit broadcast message and add your own commands to the robot.