Custom GPG pinentry program for macOS that allows using Touch ID for fetching the password from the macOS keychain.
Hugo documentation theme as simple as plain book
Minimal and free Kubernetes distribution with Terraform
A shell script (that can be used as a Nagios/Icinga plugin) to check an SSL/TLS connection.
ngx_mruby - A Fast and Memory-Efficient Web Server Extension Mechanism Using Scripting Language mruby for nginx
Rack middleware for the EU ePrivacy Directive compliance in Ruby Web Apps
Package your assets transparently in Sinatra.
[DISCONTINUED ] Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
A HTML presentation generator that generates a basic Jekyll scaffold with Slippy hooking up.
Test command-line applications with Cucumber-Ruby, RSpec or Minitest.
Rails Generators for Cucumber with special support for Capybara and DatabaseCleaner
Better distance of time in words for Rails
Pre-grid responsive layout toolkit for Sass, now deprecated
Keep a DRY history of your ActiveRecord models' changes
🕗 The original jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago").
A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.