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The Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector (HMC) is a self-hosted solution that mediates between a Mirakl marketplace solution and the Hyperwallet (PayPal) payout platform.


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Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector

The Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector (HMC) is a service that integrates the Hyperwallet and Mirakl platforms.


After downloading this repository, you must acquire a Mirakl login account to access the Mirakl Artifactory See the "Access to Artifactory" topic on

  • These account credentials will be used for setting the Mirakl SDK User and Mirakl SDK Password environment variables

System prerequisites for execution & deployment

  • Java JDK 15


This connector is configured primarily through the use of environment variables.

The following table provides every environment variable, and describes whether the environment variable is mandatory or optional (either by having a default value or only being used when specific features are enabled), and a description and example.

PAYPAL_MIRAKL_SDK_USER YES Mirakl username for accessing the Mirakl Java SDK. yourCompanyName
PAYPAL_MIRAKL_SDK_PASSWORD YES Mirakl password, for accessing the Mirakl Java SDK. secret
PAYPAL_MIRAKL_OPERATOR_API_KEY YES The Mirakl operator API key generated for your operator account. c262b297-c8a7-45a5-a22f-a0d9fe25132a
PAYPAL_MIRAKL_OPERATOR_TIME_ZONE NO (default value: UTC) The Mirakl time zone of your Mirakl instance. Possible values are documented here. GMT, Europe/London
PAYPAL_MIRAKL_ENVIRONMENT YES The URL for your Mirakl environment's API (provided by Mirakl).
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_API_SERVER YES The URL for your Hyperwallet environment's API (provided by Hyperwallet).
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_API_USERNAME YES Hyperwallet environment username (provided by Hyperwallet). restapiuser@000001
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_API_PASSWORD YES Hyperwallet environment password (provided by Hyperwallet). yourSecret
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PROGRAM_TOKENS YES A set of comma separated values based on the program hierarchy provided by Hyperwallet (See the Program Configuration section below). DEFAULT
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_IGNORED_PROGRAM_TOKENS YES A set of comma separated values with the programs to be ignored. Sellers belonging to programs in this list won't be processed by the connector.
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PROGRAM_TOKEN_USERS_DEFAULT YES The program token for contacting the Hyperwallet API on the /users path for DEFAULT program. prg-6541532-as1a23s242-12as124-as2454
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PROGRAM_TOKEN_PAYMENTS_DEFAULT YES (default value: DEFAULT) The program token for contacting the Hyperwallet API on the /payments path for DEFAULT program. prg-54545a532-asda2refs43-as2fd35-das233
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_OPERATOR_BANK_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_DEFAULT NO The transfer bank account token where commissions will be paid out too. Only needed if the operator commissions feature is being used (see the Operator Commissions section below). trm-2646asas54-21asdas5642-xasa45sxx
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_OPERATOR_COMMISSIONS_ENABLED NO (default value: true) By default, the operator commissions feature is enabled. Possible values:true or false
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_OPERATOR_CREDIT_NOTES_ENABLED NO (default value: false) By default, the direct processing of manual credit notes is disabled. This can be enabled to facilitate manual testing of payout scenarios. Possible values:true or false
PAYPAL_BRAINTREE_MERCHANT_ID NO BrainTree merchant id provided by BrainTree. myBrainTreeMerchantId
PAYPAL_BRAINTREE_PUBLIC_KEY NO BrainTree public key provided by BrainTree. myBrainTreePublicKey
PAYPAL_BRAINTREE_PRIVATE_KEY NO BrainTree private key provided by BrainTree. myBrainTreePrivateKey
PAYPAL_BRAINTREE_REPORT_ENVIRONMENT NO By default the value is pointing to the sandbox environment. In case you want to point to production environment, set the value to production. sandbox
PAYPAL_SERVER_EMAIL_HOST NO The URL where your POP3/SMTP server is hosted. If you're using the Docker Compose script provided in this repo, use smtp.
PAYPAL_SERVER_EMAIL_PORT NO The port used by your POP3/SMTP server. If you're using the Docker Compose script provided in this repo, use 1025. 1025
PAYPAL_MAIL_SMTP_AUTH NO Whether or not authentication is needed for accessing the POP3/SMTP mail server. Possible values: true or false
PAYPAL_MAIL_USER_NAME NO The username credential for using the POP3/SMTP server. It can be left empty if PAYPAL_MAIL_SMTP_AUTH is set to false. smtp-username
PAYPAL_MAIL_USER_PASSWORD NO The password credential for using the POP3/SMTP server. It can be left empty if PAYPAL_MAIL_SMTP_AUTH is set to false. smtp-pass
PAYPAL_MAIL_SMTP_STARTTLS_ENABLE NO Whether or not TLS is needed for establishing connection with the POP3/SMTP server. Possible values:true or false
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_MAIL_ENABLED NO (default value: true When true enables sending emails via SMTP server. When false simply logs the emails in the system. Possible values:true or false
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_MAIL_RECIPIENT NO (default value: The email recipient for the errors thrown by the connector.
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_MAIL_FROM NO (default value: The from email that appears on the emails sent by the connector.
PAYPAL_SPRING_PROFILE_ACTIVE YES The Profile to execute/deploy the connector service on. Possible options: dev, qa, prod, encrypted, financial-report. prod should be used when in production and during user testing, whenever connecting to Hyperwallet and Mirakl platforms. qa or dev provide levels of mocking when Hyperwallet or Mirakl platforms are not available and should only be used in advanced cases. prod,financial-report
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_EXTRACT_SELLERS_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0 0 1/1 * ? * ) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Sellers Extract Job. 0 0 0 1/1 * ? *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_SELLERS_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * ? * * * ) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Sellers Retry Job. 0 0/15 * ? * * *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_EXTRACT_PROFESSIONAL_SELLERS_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0 0 1/1 * ? *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Professional Sellers Extract Job. 0 0 0 1/1 * ? *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_PROFESSIONAL_SELLERS_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * ? * * *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Professional Sellers Retry Job. 0 0/15 * ? * * *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_BUSINESS_STAKEHOLDERS_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * ? * * *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Business Stakeholders Retry Job. 0 0/15 * ? * * *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_BANK_ACCOUNT_EXTRACT_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 30 0 1/1 * ? *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Bank account Extract Job. 0 30 0 1/1 * ? *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_BANK_ACCOUNT_RETRY_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * ? * * *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Bank account Retry Job. 0 0/15 * ? * * *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_EXTRACT_INVOICES_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 1 0 0 1/1 * ? *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Invoices Extract Job,. 1 0 0 1/1 * ? *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_INVOICES_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * ? * * *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Invoices Retry Job,. 0 0/15 * ? * * *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_CREDITNOTES_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * ? * * *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Credit Notes Retry Job,. 0 0/15 * ? * * *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_FAILED_NOTIFICATIONS_CRON_EXPRESSION NO (default value: 0 0/15 * * * ? *) The cron expression to trigger periodically the Failed Notifications Retry Job. 1 30 0 1/1 * ? *
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_KEY_SET_LOCATION NO (default value: The key set uri. For pointing to production, replace the value by
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM NO The algorithm used for Layer7 encryption (Hyperwallet encryption) RSA-OAEP-256
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_SIGN_ALGORITHM NO The sign algorithm for Layer7 encryption (Hyperwallet encryption) RS256
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_ENCRYPTION_METHOD NO The encryption method used for Layer7 encryption (Hyperwallet encryption) A256CBC-HS512
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PRIVATE_JWK_JSON_LOCATION NO The private/public JWK set location /your/path/to/private/keys/jwk_set.key
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_RETRY_NOTIFICATIONS NO (default value: true) Whether or not Hyperwallet notifications should be retried when an error occurs (e.g. connection issues). If set to true, any notification that fails is stored in the database and automatically restarted up to PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_MAX_AMOUNT_OF_NOTIFICATION_RETRIES times. If set to false, notifications are not stored or retried Possible values:true or false
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_MAX_AMOUNT_OF_NOTIFICATION_RETRIES NO (default value: 5) Sets the amount of retries a Hyperwallet notification operation can be retried before it is discarded. Whenever a notification is discarded, an email is sent to the integrators so it can be analyzed and addressed Possible values: Any positive integer
PAYPAL_MOCK_SERVER_URL YES The URL to your webhook/mock server. Only used when running with the qa Spring profile.
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_STK_MANDATORY_EMAIL NO (default value: false) By default, the business stakeholder email is not mandatory in Hyperwallet. Possible values:true or false
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_SEARCH_INVOICES_MAX_DAYS NO (default value: 15) Size in days of the search window when searching invoices by id. Used by invoice retry jobs. Possible values: Any positive integer
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_MAX_FAILED_ITEMS_TO_BE_PROCESSED NO (default value: 100) As some Mirakl APIs have a maximun number of items to be requested it sets the amount of max number failed items to be processed on retry jobs Possible values: Any positive integer
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_JOB_EXTRACTION_MAXDAYS NO (default value: 30) The maximum number of days to look in the past when retrieving data from Mirakl during the extraction jobs. Possible values: Any positive integer
PAYPAL_HMC_STARTUPCHECKS_EXITONFAIL NO (default value: false) Whether or not the application should shutdown if the startup checks found a severe error. Possible values: true or false

A sample .env file is provided in this repository, primarily for use in the Docker container deployment scenario ( documented below). The .env file can also be used to source environment variables for use in local deployment, if you prefer to store these in a file. If you do this, remember that for local deployment you will still need to properly export/source the variables from the file and into the executing shell.

Property Files

This is a multi-module Gradle project composed by Spring Boot modules (Official gradle Documentation)

Every module contains a configuration file located under the MODULE_NAME/src/main/resources folder path.

All configuration should be done by setting environment variables, as described in the table above.

The module configuration files listed below contain properties that retrieve their values directly from environment variables. The modules and their configuration files are described here, for troubleshooting purposes or to support advanced configuration & deployment:

  • sellers: Synchronises seller information between Mirakl and Hyperwallet.
  • kyc: Manages incoming notifications from Hyperwallet for KYC purposes.
  • invoices: Distributes funds to sellers based on Mirakl's invoices and manual credit notes, and processes commissions for the operator.
  • notifications: Receives incoming webhook notifications from Hyperwallet and forwards them for further processing by other modules.
  • reports: Generates the CSV report from invoices and manual credit notes from Mirakl and Braintree transactions.
  • infrastructure: Contains common functionality used by the rest of the modules.
  • web: Centralises the startup of the web application and exposes all the endpoints for manually running the cron jobs.
CONFIGURATION FILE MODULE DESCRIPTION infrastructure Database configuration for saving job execution timestamps infrastructure Configuration related to Email recipients invoices Hyperwallet/Mirakl API configuration, Hyperwallet bank account/Hyperwallet program token, Manual credit notes/commission toggling, Payment notification types accepted, Extract invoices job scheduling kyc Hyperwallet KYC endpoint/credentials, Mirakl API endpoint/credentials, Hyperwallet program token setup. notifications Database configuration for saving notifications notifications Properties for routing incoming notifications, Failed notifications retry job scheduling reports Mirakl API configuration, Financial report folder location, Financial report CSV Columns, Financial report file name prefix, Server report Uri path, BrainTree credentials sellers Database configuration for saving sellers that should be retrieved for exporting sellers Hyperwallet/Mirakl API configuration, Extract sellers/professional sellers/bank account job scheduling web Spring profiles, Email server configuration, Layer7 encryption configuration (JOSE/JWT)

Execution & Deployment

The connector can either be deployed locally, or with a container.

To ease testing & initial deployment, we strongly recommend to start with the containerized version using Docker Compose and the provided templates.


For local execution you will need to build the connector and start it up with the following commands:

  • ./gradlew build
  • ./gradlew web:bootRun

We strongly recommend for testing and development purposes to use the containerized version with Docker Compose, explained in the following sections.

Running whole stack with Docker Compose

To make it easier to run the application, as it depends on multiple services, a Docker Compose configuration exists within the project.

Building the Docker image with Docker Compose

The Docker image will create the file docker-compose.yml, which is based on the docker-compose.yml.template file:

./gradlew buildDockerCompose

Executing Docker container with Docker Compose

This Gradle task will run the Docker image based on the generated docker-compose.yml file:

./gradlew dockerComposeUp

The Docker deploy uses the .env file to apply all the mandatory environment variables defined previously in the environment variables table.

Make sure your .env file contains all the mandatory environment variables, otherwise the connector will not be able to start.

To check for configuration issues run:
docker-compose --env-file .env config and see if the variables are all correctly set.

For more about how Docker Compose uses .env files, consult the official documentation.

Optionally, you can pass arguments to Docker Compose with the property dockerComposeArgs:

./gradlew dockerCompose -PdockerComposeArgs='up -d'

This will start the services defined in docker-compose.yml.

Production build

In order to generate a Docker Compose ready to be used in production, the build command needs the property prod set to true:

./gradlew buildDockerCompose -Pprod=true

Operator Commissions

By default, the operator commissions feature is enabled. This is set in the property invoices.operator.commissions.enabled in the file. This feature can be disabled by setting the value of this property to false.

Program Configuration

Single Program (Default)

The default setup provides a single-level hierarchy where 1 Issuing Merchant corresponds to 1 Issuing Store.

This is defined in Mirakl using the hw-program shop custom field (see the Mirakl Configuration section in the Solution Guide), which for a single hierarchy program should contain a single value list with only one value DEFAULT.

The described environment variables dependant on the field hw-program mentioned on the setup step are designed for this hierarchy type.

Multiple Programs

The Hyperwallet, Mirakl, and HMC configurations can be extended to accommodate a multiple program hierarchy structure, where 1 Issuing Merchant can have multiple Issuing Stores.

Based on Hyperwallet's configuration, it will be necessary to modify the Hyperwallet Program configuration.

By default, HMC supports just one. Just in case it is needed multiple values, we need to do some easy modifications.

For example:

  • We have two different Hyperwallet programs: UK and Europe.
  • We defined in Mirakl a custom attribute which label is hw-program as SingleValueList with these values: EUROPE and UK

In that case, we need to setup the following variables as described:

  • Environment:

  • File:

    • Remove invoices.hyperwallet.api.hyperwalletprogram.token.DEFAULT property
    • Remove invoices.operator.commissions.bankAccount.token.DEFAULT property
    • Define token for UK: invoices.hyperwallet.api.hyperwalletprogram.token.UK=<YOUR_UK_TOKEN>
    • Define token for EUROPE: invoices.hyperwallet.api.hyperwalletprogram.token.EUROPE=<YOUR_EUROPE_TOKEN>
    • Define the operator bank account token for UK: invoices.operator.commissions.bankAccount.token.UK = <YOUR_UK_BANK_ACCOUNT_TOKEN>
    • Define the operator bank account token for EUROPE: invoices.operator.commissions.bankAccount.token.EUROPE = <YOUR_EUROPE_BANK_ACCOUNT_TOKEN>
  • File:

    • Remove infrastructure.hyperwallet.api.hyperwalletprogram.token.DEFAULT
    • Define token for UK: infrastructure.hyperwallet.api.hyperwalletprogram.token.UK=<YOUR_UK_TOKEN>
    • Define token for EUROPE: infrastructure.hyperwallet.api.hyperwalletprogram.token.EUROPE=<YOUR_EUROPE_TOKEN>

If you're using Docker, remember to update the Docker Compose template file to reflect the existence of these 2 new environments. Add them into the Docker Compose template file you're using ( or docker-compose.yml.template), for example with UK and Europe:


Besides, if you had the necessity of adapting the property files to accommodate this kind of hierarchy you can make use of environment variables substitution feature built in with Spring Boot (link)

This way the tokens would be store in a safe manner.

Ignoring Programs

Sometimes we don't want the connector to process all the shops from Mirakl (and their associated invoices). In that case we can use programs to exclude those shops from being processed.

To do this, we need to set up the following environment variable:


with the list of programs that we want to ignore. The programs in this list must be a subset of the programs defined in PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PROGRAM_TOKENS.

Continuing with the same example described in the Multiple Programs section, if we would like to exclude UK shops for being processed by the connector, we should simply set PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_IGNORED_PROGRAM_TOKENS to UK.

Financial Reporting (Braintree) Configuration

The Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector has the ability to generate a financial report, compiling information from the Mirakl and Braintree platforms.

For enabling this functionality you will need to add the financial-report value to the PAYPAL_SPRING_PROFILE_ACTIVE, for example: PAYPAL_SPRING_PROFILE_ACTIVE=dev,financial-report.

Setting up jobs

The Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector runs jobs to perform various integrations between the Hyperwallet and Mirakl platforms.

  • Individual sellers extract job: Extracts the individual seller information from Mirakl and creates it on Hyperwallet.
  • Professional sellers extract job: Extracts the professional seller information from Mirakl and creates it on Hyperwallet.
  • Bank Accounts job sellers extract job: Extracts the bank detail information from sellers and creates a bank on account Hyperwallet associated to the corresponding user in Hyperwallet
  • Failed notifications retry job: Retries all of the notifications sent from Hyperwallet that failed while being processed.

Those jobs are currently setup across the properties file as this table follows:

Property Cron expression Properties file
sellers.extractsellers.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0 0 1/1 * ? * sellers/src/main/resources/
sellers.extractprofessionalsellers.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0 0 1/1 * ? * sellers/src/main/resources/
sellers.bankaccountextract.scheduling.cronexpression 0 30 0 1/1 * ? * sellers/src/main/resources/
invoices.extractinvoices.scheduling.cronexpression 1 0 0 1/1 * ? * invoices/src/main/resources/
notifications.retryfailed.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * * * ? * notifications/src/main/resources/

The existing jobs can be executed manually through their endpoints. Except for notification retry job, which doesn't receive any parameter, all endpoints support 2 optional parameters:

  • delta: When provided for an extract job, the job will only process entities that were updated/created after this date
  • name : When provided, the job will be given this name
Param Format
name String
delta yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX


HTTP Method PATH Job type
POST /job/sellers-extract Individual Sellers extract
POST /job/professional-sellers-extract Professional Sellers extract
POST /job/bank-accounts-extract Bank accounts extract
POST /job/invoices-extract Invoices extract
POST /job//process-failed-notifications Retry failed notifications

See example of valid execution request:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/job/bank-accounts-extract?delta=2020-11-22T11:52:00.000-00:00&name=bankAccountExtractJob'

Calculating delta in extract jobs

The different extract jobs (individual sellers extract job, invoices extract job, etc.) makes requests to Mirakl to retrieve the entities that have changed since a specific date. When the jobs are triggered by the cron expessions this initial date for retrieving changes (known as delta) is automatically calculated. Jobs automatically sets the initial time for searching entities in Mirakl to the time of the last successful execution of the job that returned Mirakl entities.

There is a maximum days to look in the past when the connector makes a Mirakl request to retrieve the changed entities, which can be set using the environment variable PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_JOB_EXTRACTION_MAXDAYS (defaults to 30).

Retry Jobs

In addition to standard jobs, Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector also has jobs for retrying items that have failed during the execution of the standard jobs.

Every time the processing of an item fails (for example an individual seller), the information of the failed item is stored in the database and a retry job for that item type will reprocess it later. The retry job will attempt to reprocess items periodically, being the time of the next attempt calculated according to this expression Item Last Failure Time + (30 minutes * number of attempts). A maximum of 5 attempts is made for each item.

Retry jobs executes periodically with a higher frequency than standard jobs, so they can reprocess the failed items as soon as possible respecting the calculated time of the next retry. The periodicity of these jobs can be customized modifying this properties, althoug is recommended to keep the default values:

Property Cron expression Properties file
sellers.retrysellers.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * ? * * * sellers/src/main/resources/
sellers.retryprofessionalsellers.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * ? * * * sellers/src/main/resources/
sellers.retrybusinessstakeholders.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * ? * * * sellers/src/main/resources/
sellers.bankaccountretry.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * ? * * * sellers/src/main/resources/
invoices.retryinvoices.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * ? * * * invoices/src/main/resources/
creditnotes.retryinvoices.scheduling.cronexpression 0 0/15 * ? * * * invoices/src/main/resources/

Webhook Notifications

The Hyperwallet platform is capable of sending event notifications via webhook. This connector comes with a built-in listener to process supported webhook notification types, and works with both basic authentication and payload encryption.

The endpoint for the webhook listener is on the path: /webhooks/notifications. This path is used by default, and no properties or configuration are used for enabling or setting up the webhook listener.

During the on-boarding process, Hyperwallet will enable webhook notifications by registering the webhook listener endpoint URL (for example,

Storing and querying notifications:

The connector stores the incoming notifications, these can be retrieved and deleted using these endpoints. A from and a to date parameters must be provided in both operations.

HTTP Method PATH Params Description
GET /webhooks/notifications from and to format ISO-DATE-TIME yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Retrieves all the notifications between the given dates
DELETE /webhooks/notifications from and to format ISO-DATE-TIME yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Deletes all the notifications between the given dates

See example of valid execution request:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/webhooks/notifications?from=2021-04-27T10:30:00.000-00:00&to=2023-04-27T10:30:00.000-00:00' curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:8080/webhooks/notifications?from=2021-04-27T10:30:00.000-00:00&to=2023-04-27T10:30:00.000-00:00'

Payload Encryption

This connector supports payload encryption for connecting with Hyperwallet's API ( This payload encryption feature is based on JOSE ( and JWT (

If you need further information, consult the Hyperwallet v4 API reference documentation (

Setting up JWK key sets

To communicate with the connector Hyperwallet needs to retrieve a jwk key set and this set of keys should be published in an endpoint with a valid TLS certificate, it is needed that you generate one key for signing and another one for encrypting the messages.

You can generate the keys via this website:

Supported sign algorithms (JWS):

  • RS256, RS384, RS512
  • PS256, PS384, PS512
  • ES256, ES384, ES512

Supported JWE encryption algorithms are:

  • RSA-OAEP-256

Once you have generated both keys you need create 2 files, one with only the public keys and another one containing both public and private keys, like the following examples

  "p": "9mH5gBqS-HuYT7K8XTwtvDgJjKJSQ7r3sfAdke0R4xrA1heQQBOCol0TSbnpcxvDNSF89NWSN2regHr3GdjVYrG1SX5jIqwnpKQX79mRURJb0dOuD5QOfUW8J7dhOdBnvE49S-JNTeR4jty2YS1Lj3x-eQyKJWuTkVJiblPmG1s",
  "kty": "RSA",
  "q": "mHWzxs3nS6z7eUtwxJhhzkhf_bsgEWGhtqHkXRRFutCAGOxsUiNOIn8yQGZfSbX7Jc5nGRT8h6r8Gar6Tiyn_uLtWIsBwzypVtFGKAcHboxa4_8TbRPB66Fh_H65LLMiCLxkOADIDFW1-wv5muEYU1dqSdUkv6Gqp--g82DBqjM",
  "d": "cMNoZadBA3M6h-VGD14b07flMuYSey7KO9lOk3yomyxbHt5i7jBJ1W0V1FHYnVIjR7ufubHcsCYjqeVtgCmJtu4a5nCLP_v3iIEm3uV5f627Rknyxe7hNPd6v0BBnCHMjRkM38OhSaB1IYOrl5ElA2a4dLKRRKlRz1g5OaxMw_36jvv555p03eRwMUg5W-lEP7iTl4aaEeh60TV2KAKCM1lD4-2UMb-G7H2DHWA72xMB1oZLiDbPIQCh8uvI7KTl3FdpZ5mYMuRtCpfkhIbxIVW5wpfFDasPOxklhnUr7f6OH9MKJFJ7UpkV79Uv7W8iTEtTiVQ6gCUeRrRNRM2sRQ",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "use": "sig",
  "qi": "j5bvMljGOUbBppAsoPhb9QTKUPsCQcAOoT3gYAGTD-mCUHNHO3BR3NZtOnoHVAShFWQRuB8jIiMIOZs52tzwCFnOBLn7Org2LN3GC5ntASDT-Vvizv_iYKJQcvLGuqNIpZMxil5t4wSM8ZSqw8F8xipsIgNtjhkO-xhyPEQBj4U",
  "dp": "XiAN3kfIsA8foArrdT8BRe-ujkCQ5vktmZfe5BnKhJV66A92d1Q8yuR98uOIcQZBLDIP98UDqBI20KSpdAFne93iISKcoulb98UMs__NSUiXNXEGBUONyYPznsSq6xhYGRNWzX-2ArTu7b0aG8PfIwDvnDUTLbqMVK9BlV6OARM",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "dq": "Bvxlt3dZ4NrVTxKI4UlGOgiQ9XRsnL9HhLHYX_d81nmVVQ8IS584hlYjvFW0ihEfp_TUPo76n1DTam2uOITNUd2eGI-ODh8qd0LxnwXrbkJaK9ZVUos0OJLVhZdc7tJqfdH8GaDXidEnnJBI6LLlxXPc9_MfUvSaeEV_r4dAeIc",
  "n": "krtz8O66BGcsKSui7N-5f9amdWvcZ-Fofgh6_WDgGAQ4ZVcaw61klX4boKngBjxGqWhF2H5fdPJFKHXWuY0gPkEfBg-iJvDv2qJQYZKwdBbjVnDbF63v97-1yIUtHNepGOOPoan-GvqMxpUl3mfjHJHRPpx4vs4AgGJJJwoPr_RLXzhVkfQMuen_HTbuHh0GMumYb1wWcTTy4SEakWuX_dga8WQDhg--kBTNgSAOJa6KuVy6R6CMaG87FzoGXa_wLrRMwDiEr7FfFAZSiTv1Yhbb2E3PAXd-gtBV7iIEPz8xrh-BNc-Jflckwkgel7HZ6NLMFb7_GS-Y5EHPRJzhIQ"
"p": "4UTkd95iNPs1eBqBm1zNlRAB0MiWZxpq7RGJq9n1bCURJB3e5BH_Ye-bdEoC_wL2ovgIvTZwL1EubyhCTl6FFeK_Kgdx3KhqydM_vi8Gry1H3z1GAKtIo_718wh3BWedqjsKLxKvcR0q4_syLJvdWshQ_2LkYItGu9Gks3ZqY8M",
"kty": "RSA",
"q": "trseuEzp8oMcxkpC0SHOuA54xh00647iOA6ijJ5piUmgJai1H1WFVxjqbhwu5p7m77lrXQIZfjYXCEUrLPb685v7D3C7bYeK2yfF8OKrPVdqR3lhRZx4BgtP6xSem1LeqjaxDDOR5DQ6dnnpGnY-q3B5dN8jBU67487_70_Vvbs",
"d": "UnW76DYdu9JtyCMXgmsNm7haei8rYrQFpb991pU-Jko5zs4ZAgCzyTDRg28Evl16zaacSeqS-MvEJS4f7K_xKUZYF7GZqr7h0CkXqawgckzsddPTuPMYLgd4iR0DTmVmKxTf90AGLQBH739flGJBNHwdgemyLeEO0tdJu73KqW1WO8HKMQFVgFd4jtMrGPnM5I0272GotGtLeew2FXmXUbGJrqe93xH8l8EuiCbdr2KUMsTnWrt7f0l8Hb2k6RAnPRl3pGb0id8awnbhnllK7faRB-J0ByED87QeQp_DAR4Vo463lKjFcl3t0h6Z7I9yFXs8ZdsRv31-JSPR4HN1lQ",
"e": "AQAB",
"use": "enc",
"qi": "N9Z0zqxWlx638Nnwp1bY2j6fFO6UTgA3A6lw2mstNxRxq1CBPdvrXgMtlZQDTHCxC6fuigajUu4aMLYMz_eUWgSOI9LgGgfc-CqO-OInRt-ctYdb5_AqyWv5Fy-6sorYJGehadkJ3WgdAaRu9VO3GJm4zLf2x_e_UIXIS1Z8ITY",
"dp": "sNoAL6cUHJoXeSn-FHXAJEWD12CSy3Du_x0koxkjVvqmwV7-DLmgcEfHGH2-amvuKzVkzv89BbjLJpNJsvL7spnoEFv15REHfVlukqWirsZyxWz6Vy4hgjZ46or7ve-B1RIyxY_60mfes0sTMfhPyKS5CjaeKrlNF8jXb9kIXzc",
"alg": "RSA-OAEP-256",
"dq": "URkO80C_e7AQ7zg6G1LjyfAyTcrcl8bcQ4DLR5luwU150_ziFbwA57zZHnFHp3bSi4ZBThAGfGtJIZSBKv2aNs_9RscDiALl74nhYZ1X3muTcZE_SIO_CP-wQmbuVYUb6XNIdF_W2e8MG1TTzbi466GJZgM6KbrdzKcsE2vdMs0",
"n": "oMuiyFuh1oyq-cSw-EXk1BKKkpwGBDcejNERhv09mF2o0taKCUKUIn6RzoI8qDsd66xhSdaV4fbSMN9uM5DteiKLwdPgnt1PDLRWw3dOXAI2-FT06G58VVaaIIGF1Xy7mGbC65BBDprzycrH0p3aCt81bvs5jvkYwxpWHEkz19Giba6rYVoNMnKy84nTWR5t3_eG_YC84Y-A63268ITlwErdeoKmiVBkMW6lpgNi5Vi6r2PdKP90KbgZEdbE3ci8cXyho33ke9Zjmbo5CaiMqvmjBNSYVcqDfQIo5y3Y23XagivtHI_42Tmp41H7uXsU89v-xCtFXJkaNIjfOZzWcQ"

Public keys

  "kty": "RSA",
  "e": "AQAB",
  "use": "sig",
  "alg": "RS256",
  "n": "krtz8O66BGcsKSui7N-5f9amdWvcZ-Fofgh6_WDgGAQ4ZVcaw61klX4boKngBjxGqWhF2H5fdPJFKHXWuY0gPkEfBg-iJvDv2qJQYZKwdBbjVnDbF63v97-1yIUtHNepGOOPoan-GvqMxpUl3mfjHJHRPpx4vs4AgGJJJwoPr_RLXzhVkfQMuen_HTbuHh0GMumYb1wWcTTy4SEakWuX_dga8WQDhg--kBTNgSAOJa6KuVy6R6CMaG87FzoGXa_wLrRMwDiEr7FfFAZSiTv1Yhbb2E3PAXd-gtBV7iIEPz8xrh-BNc-Jflckwkgel7HZ6NLMFb7_GS-Y5EHPRJzhIQ"
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"use": "enc",
"alg": "RSA-OAEP-256",

Modify accordingly all the environment variables related with the encryption feature:

PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_KEY_SET_LOCATION Hyperwallet's key set uri. Default value is For pointing to production, replace the value by with
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PRIVATE_JWK_JSON_LOCATION The private and public JWK set location /your/path/to/private/keys/jwk_set.key
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PUBLIC_JWK_JSON_LOCATION Connector's public JWK set location /your/path/to/public/keys/jwk_set.key

Following this previous example the environment variables values for UAT would be:

PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PRIVATE_JWK_JSON_LOCATION = /your/path/to/private/keys/jwk_set.key
PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PUBLIC_JWK_JSON_LOCATION  = /your/path/to/public/keys/jwk_set.key

By default, and under the encrypted profile, the connector allows you to share your public keys throughout this endpoint: /jwkset

Take into account that this file can also be published in a different server than the connector ( like an S3 bucket) and you'll simply need to modify the hyperwallet.api.hmcPublicKeyLocation with the proper URL where this file is published.

IMPORTANT: Publish publicly only the PUBLIC keys JSON file

For enabling the encryption payload feature you will also need to enable in file the profile encrypted, e.g. for a development machine:,encrypted

Notice also that Hyperwallet enables the possibility of having the webhook notifications encrypted, if you have asked this feature to be enabled, the connector will take care of decrypting the notifications whenever the profile encrypted is set.

Other endpoints

Health check

The connector exposes via spring-boot-actuator library a health check endpoint under route /actuator/health that will return an object like this whenever the server is up and running:

  "status": "UP"

Build and app information

For knowing the version of the connector you're running you can also query the URL /actuator/info to return a version object:

  "app": {
    "name": "Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector",
    "description": "Drop in connector for interconnecting Mirakl and Hyperwallet systems"
  "build": {
    "artifact": "web",
    "name": "web",
    "time": "2021-06-25T12:55:52.428Z",
    "version": "release-3.0-5-ga3d1009.dirty",
    "group": "com.paypal"

Health Checks

Startup Check System

During the startup the connector does a series of checks to ensure that it's configured correctly and that is ready to be used.

This is the list of checks that are performed during startup:

  • Mirakl custom fields schema
  • Mirakl documents
  • Hyperwallet API connectivity
  • Mirakl API connectivity

The startup check system will generate a report for each individual check, reporting the issues found during each individual check and the final status for each check. It will also generate a summary status aggregating the status of each individual check. The possible status are the following:

  • READY: The check has passed and no issues were found.
  • READY_WITH_WARNINGS: The check has passed but minor issues has been found. The connector can be used but it's recommended to solve the issues.
  • NOT_READY: The check has not passed because at least one severe issue has been found. You must solve the issue before using the connector in production.

The aggregated status of all the individual checks is always the most severe status. For example if one check is READY_WITH_WARNINGS and the rest of them are READY the overall status will be READY_WITH_WARNINGS.

By default, the connector will continue working even when the aggregated report status is NOT_READY but this can be changed by setting to true the PAYPAL_HMC_STARTUPCHECKS_EXITONFAIL environment variable.

This is a sample startup check report:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.209 [main] WARN - Startup Check Report -> Status: <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>. Dumping individual checks:
22-07-2022 14:54:47.211 [main] INFO - Startup Check: <miraklHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Mirakl API is accessible
status: UP
version: 3.213
22-07-2022 14:54:47.212 [main] INFO - Startup Check: <hyperwalletHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Hyperwallet API is accessible
status: UP
22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN - Startup Check: <miraklCustomFieldsSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
Item 'hw-bankaccount-token' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'description' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value. This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Actual value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value.  This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Item 'hw-stakeholder-government-id-count-3' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Government ID country code'
Actual value: 'Government ID country code '
Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'
22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN - Startup Check: <miraklDocSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
An unexpected field named 'hw-bsh2-proof-address' has been found
Offending field details: MiraklDoc(code=hw-bsh2-proof-address, label=Business Stakeholder 2 - Proof of Address (front) (DEPRECATED), description=Please upload the photo page of Business Stakeholder 2 - Proof of Address document)

First it shows the overall status:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.209 [main] WARN - Startup Check Report -> Status: <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>. Dumping individual checks:

Then there is a log entry for each individual check:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.211 [main] INFO - Startup Check: <miraklHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Mirakl API is accessible
status: UP
version: 3.213

As it can be seen in the examples the log level is directly related to the status:

  • READY: It's printed with INFO level
  • READY_WITH_WARNINGS: It's printed with WARNING level
  • NOT_READY: It's printed with ERROR level

There are some complex checks (for example custom fields) that makes multiple checks, in that cases in the log each individual issue found is printed:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN - Startup Check: <miraklCustomFieldsSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
Item 'hw-bankaccount-token' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'description' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value. This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Actual value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value.  This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Item 'hw-stakeholder-government-id-count-3' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Government ID country code'
Actual value: 'Government ID country code '
Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'

Mirakl custom fields schema check

Custom field schema startup checks ensures that the custom fields expected by the definition exists and their definition is the expected.

This check only takes into account custom fields whose code starts with hw- which is the prefix used for all the custom fields used by the connector. It does three checks:

  • It checks that the required custom fields exists in Mirakl.
  • It checks that there aren't unexpected custom fields in Mirakl. Since the system only takes into account hw- prefixed fields this won't conflict with other custom fields that can exists in Mirakl for other purposes.
  • It checks the properties of each individual field to see if they are correct.

Each issue found will have a different severity:

  • Field not found, this is a severe issue.
  • Unexpected field found, this is only a warning.
  • Custom field property doesn't have the expected definition. In this case it depends on the property that doesn't have the expected definition:
    • Incorrect type, this is a severe issue. For example the field should be a list but is a boolean.
    • Incorrect permissions, this is a severe issue. For example the field shouldn't be visible to the sellers, but it's visible.
    • Incorrect regexp, this is a severe issue. A different regular expression than the expected has been found.
    • Incorrect allowed values, this is a severe issue. For example the field is a list and it should allow ONE and TWO values, but in Mirakl it allows ONE, TWO, THREE.
    • Incorrect label, this is only a warning.
    • Incorrect description, this is only a warning.
    • Incorrect required value, this is only a warning. For example the field hw-terms-consent is expected to not be required but in Mirakl is required. (Required value refers to if the field should be filled to be able to save changes in Mirakl backoffice)

The final status of this check depends on the aggregated results of each individual checks:

  • READY: no issues were found.
  • READY_WITH_WARNINGS: no severe issues were found, but at least one warning was found.
  • NOT_READY: at least one severe issues was found.

Each individual issue found is printed into the log, like in this example:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.214 [main] WARN - Startup Check: <miraklCustomFieldsSchemaCheck>, Status <READY_WITH_WARNINGS>, CheckDetails:
Item 'hw-bankaccount-token' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'description' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value. This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Actual value: 'Auto-generated, DO NOT change this value.  This is a unique identifier for this Seller/Payee's bank account in Hyperwallet.'
Item 'hw-stakeholder-government-id-count-3' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'Government ID country code'
Actual value: 'Government ID country code '
Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'

For each individual issue in addition to the details of the issue the severity of the issue is also print:

  • Severity: RECOMMENDATION: This means that the issue is only a warning, it's recommended to update the definition of the custom field, but it's not mandatory.
  • Severity: BLOCKER: This means that this is a severe issue that can cause the connector to not work properly. Is mandatory to fix the issue.

For unexpected field definitions issues the log message is the following:

Item 'hw-stakeholder-city-4' doesn't have the expected definition.
Property 'label' doesn't have the correct value.
Expected value: 'City'
Actual value: ' City'

It shows:

  • The custom field that have a property with incorrect definition.
  • The name of the property.
  • The value expected by the connector.
  • The actual value found in Mirakl.

For field not founds issues the log message is the following:

Expected field 'hw-program' has not been found
Offending field details: MiraklField(label=Hyperwallet Program, code=hw-program, description=Your Hyperwallet implementation may consist of one or more programs based on your payout needs. Select the appropriate program for this Seller/Payee., type=SINGLE_VALUE_LIST, permissions=INVISIBLE, required=null, regexpPattern=null, allowedValues=[])
Severity: BLOCKER

It shows:

  • The custom field that wasn't found.
  • The details of the field including the expected value for each property.

For unexpected fields the log message is the following:

An unexpected field named 'hw-program-old' has been found
Offending field details: MiraklField(label=Hyperwallet Program, code=hw-program, description=Your Hyperwallet implementation may consist of one or more programs based on your payout needs. Select the appropriate program for this Seller/Payee., type=SINGLE_VALUE_LIST, permissions=INVISIBLE, required=null, regexpPattern=null, allowedValues=[])

It shows:

  • The custom field that was unexpectedly found.
  • The details of the field including the value for each property that was retrieved from Mirakl.

Mirakl documents check

This is only used for very specific deployments that need to check the custom documents in Mirakl. By default, is not going to do anything.

Hyperwallet API connectivity

This check tests if Hyperwallet API is accessible and if the configuration (user/password) is correct. To do this check the connector makes a request to the /programs Hyperwallet endpoint and tries to retrieve the token specified by the variable PAYPAL_HYPERWALLET_PROGRAM_TOKEN_USERS_DEFAULT.

22-07-2022 14:54:47.212 [main] INFO - Startup Check: <hyperwalletHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Hyperwallet API is accessible
status: UP

In case of error it will display the error message returned by the Hyperwallet SDK.

Mirakl API connectivity

This check tests if Mirakl API is accessible and if the configuration (access token) is correct. To do this check the connector makes a request to V01 Health Check Endpoint of Mirakl that returns the version of Mirakl.

The log shows the following:

22-07-2022 14:54:47.211 [main] INFO - Startup Check: <miraklHealthCheck>, Status <READY>, CheckDetails:
Mirakl API is accessible
status: UP
version: 3.213

In case of error it will display the error message returned by the Mirakl SDK.

Spring Boot Actuator Health Check

The connector exposes via spring-boot-actuator library a health check endpoint under route /actuator/health that will return an object like this whenever the server is up and running:

  "status": "DOWN",
  "components": {
    "db": {
      "status": "UP",
      "components": {
        "applicationDataSource": {
          "status": "UP",
          "details": {
            "database": "H2",
            "validationQuery": "isValid()"
        "notificationsDataSource": {
          "status": "UP",
          "details": {
            "database": "H2",
            "validationQuery": "isValid()"
        "sellersDataSource": {
          "status": "UP",
          "details": {
            "database": "H2",
            "validationQuery": "isValid()"
    "diskSpace": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "total": 494384795648,
        "free": 182405443584,
        "threshold": 10485760,
        "exists": true
    "hyperwalletAPIHealthCheck": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "location": ""
    "mail": {
      "status": "DOWN",
      "details": {
        "location": "localhost:1025",
        "error": "com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 1025; timeout 5000"
    "miraklAPIHealthCheck": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "version": "3.213",
        "location": ""
    "ping": {
      "status": "UP"

It shows each individual health check and the aggregated health check status. In addition to the health checks provided by Spring Boot it also shows miraklAPIHealthCheck and hyperwalletAPIHealthCheck which are the same checks made during the startup check.

The example check shown before has a DOWN status because one of the dependencies, the mail system, is not accessible. If you are only interested in knowing if the connector is up, you can look only at ping check.


The Hyperwallet Mirakl Connector (HMC) is a self-hosted solution that mediates between a Mirakl marketplace solution and the Hyperwallet (PayPal) payout platform.







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