At home
- Morocco
- https://barkimustaphaipdev.wordpress.com
firmware-mod-kit Public
Forked from mirror/firmware-mod-kithttp://firmware-mod-kit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
wistia-doc Public
Forked from railsfactory-subbareddy/wistia-docThe one, the only, the WISTIA DOCUMENTATION!!!!
monkey Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/monkeyInfection Monkey - An automated pentest tool
gettorbrowser Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/gettorbrowserThis is a repository to provide links for downloading Tor Browser from Github.
1 UpdatedMay 22, 2019 -
sqlalchemy Public
Forked from zzzeek/sqlalchemyTHIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL REPO - PLEASE SUBMIT PRs ETC AT: http://github.com/sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy
clooney Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/clooneyClooney is an actor library for the web. Use workers without thinking about workers.
squoosh Public
Forked from GoogleChromeLabs/squooshMake images smaller using best-in-class codecs, right in the browser.
go.uuid Public
Forked from satori/go.uuidUUID package for Go
keras Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/kerasDeep Learning for humans
incubator-mxnet Public
Forked from apache/mxnetLightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
github-1 Public
Forked from atom/githubGit and GitHub integration for Atom
sharding-sphere Public
Forked from apache/shardingsphereDistributed database middleware
Triton-1 Public
Forked from JonathanSalwan/TritonTriton is a Dynamic Binary Analysis (DBA) framework. It provides internal components like a Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE) engine, a Taint Engine, AST representations of the x86 and the x86-64 in…
JUCE Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/JUCEThe JUCE cross-platform C++ framework.
hmily Public
Forked from dromara/hmily高性能异步分布式事务TCC框架(try,confirm,cancel)
theHarvester Public
Forked from laramies/theHarvesterE-mails, subdomains and names Harvester - OSINT
Quantum Public
Forked from microsoft/QuantumMicrosoft Quantum Development Kit Samples
pkgcloud Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/pkgcloudpkgcloud is a standard library for node.js that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud providers.
myth Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/myth基于可靠消息最终一致性分布式事务框架
gym Public
Forked from openai/gymA toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
mapbox-gl-js Public
Forked from mapbox/mapbox-gl-jsInteractive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
Phishing-URL-Testing-Database-of-Link-Statuses Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/Phishing-URL-Testing-Database-of-Link-StatusesPhishing URL Testing Database of Link Statuses
dot-files Public
Forked from mauri870/dot-filesMy personal dot files and configs
gulliver Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/gulliverA PWA directory, focusing on collecting PWA best practices and examples.
Ad-Hoc-Email-Server Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/Ad-Hoc-Email-ServerAn ad-hoc disposable temporary mail server. Create and use ad hoc disposable mailboxes for testing or any other purpose.
chromium Public
Forked from chromium/chromiumThe official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source
Cavalcade Public
Forked from humanmade/CavalcadeA better wp-cron. Horizontally scalable, works perfectly with multisite.
soul Public
Forked from apache/shenyu这是一个高性能,异步的反应式的gateway
Raincat Public
Forked from FreedomCodes/Raincat2阶段提交分布式事务中间件(Implement by 2 pc)
quantum-docs-pr Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/quantum-docs-pr