django-page-cms Public
Official Django page CMS git repository
donkey Public
Donkey is a simple API gateway made to replace Kong
swagger-markdown Public
A Python Markdown extension to include Swagger definition in your documentation
meta-parser-generator Public
Generate a parser using a grammar and and token definition
sprite.js Public
An efficient javascript sprite animation framework
blop-language Public
Blop is a Web oriented programming language that compiles to JavaScript
card-game-creation-template Public
A template for creating game extracted from the game DeckHand
pug-vdom Public
PUG template to HyperScript Virtual DOM
html2canvas Public
Forked from niklasvh/html2canvasScreenshots with JavaScript
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJun 24, 2023 -
django-wireframes Public
A simple tool/framework to create wireframes in Javascript/CSS
CokeScript Public
CokeScript is a whitespace sensitive language that compile to JavaScript
donkey-boilerplate Public
Example project that uses the Donkey Gateway. Good first setup.
TypeScript UpdatedNov 29, 2021 -
blop-example-project Public
Example project for the Blop language with SSR, express and webpack
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2021 -
abortable-promise Public
Make Promises abortable/cancellable, and implement and abortable/cancellable fetch
Continuous integration for your python projects.
blop-translations Public
Angular Translation tool similar to BabelEdit
imaginary Public
Forked from h2non/imaginaryFast, simple, scalable HTTP microservice for high-level image processing with first-class Docker support
Go MIT License UpdatedFeb 7, 2020 -
vscode-extension-samples Public
Forked from microsoft/vscode-extension-samplesSample code illustrating the VS Code extension API.
TypeScript Other UpdatedDec 27, 2019 -
snabbdom Public
Forked from snabbdom/snabbdomA virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 11, 2019 -
neural-network-rosette Public
Try to improve low quality scans using a neural network
Python UpdatedOct 2, 2018 -
cokescript-pets Public
CokeScript example using the swagger petstore