Simple Java Mail is the simplest to use lightweight mailing library for Java, while being able to send complex emails including Batch processing and server clusters, CLI support, authenticated socks proxy(!), attachments, embedded images, custom headers and properties, robust address validation, build pattern and even DKIM signing, S/MIME support and external configuration files, Spring support and Email conversion tools (including support for Outlook).
Just send your emails without dealing with RFCs.
The Simple Java Mail library is a thin layer on top of Angus Mail (previously Jakarta Mail) that allows users to define emails on a high abstraction level without having to deal with mumbo jumbo such as 'multipart' and 'mimemessage'.
Simple Java Mail is available in Maven Central:
Read about additional modules you can add here:
v8.12.0 - v8.12.5
- v8.12.5 (05-March-2025): Bumped PATCH versions of various dependencies #553, #554, #555, #562, #567
- v8.12.4 (12-December-2024): #558: [bug] Mailer.close() exception because it attempts to shutdown batch-module connection pools, even if not available on the classpath
- v8.12.3 (25-November-2024): #563: [enhancement] Add getter for Authenticated SOCKS server port
- v8.12.2 (05-October-2024): #552: [bug] support iCalendar events with METHOD defined in body instead of Content-Type
- v8.12.1 (02-October-2024): #533: [maintenance] Bump com.github.therapi:therapi-runtime-javadoc-scribe from 0.13.0 to 0.15.0
- v8.12.1 (02-October-2024): #532: [maintenance] Bump com.sanctionco.jmail:jmail from 1.4.1 to 1.6.3
- v8.12.1 (02-October-2024): #531: [maintenance] Bump com.github.bbottema:java-socks-proxy-server from 4.0.0 to 4.1.2
- v8.12.1 (02-October-2024): #528: [maintenance] Buump com.github.davidmoten:subethasmtp from 7.0.1 to 7.1.1
- v8.12.1 (02-October-2024): #522: [maintenance] Bump jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api from 1.3.5 to 3.0.0
- v8.12.0 (26-September-2024): #550: [bug] Environment variables are not being loaded properly
- v8.12.0 (26-September-2024): #538: [bug] System properties are only read if configuration file exists in class path
- v8.12.0 (26-September-2024): #546: [Enhancement] Trim whitespace in encoder values for Content-Encoding
v8.11.0 - v8.11.3
- v8.11.3 (15-September-2024): #543: [Enhancement] reduce log spam from the batch-module
- v8.11.2 (08-June-2024): #530: [Bug] After converting Outlook .msg to EML, bullet lists have duplicate numbering HTML converted from RTF
- v8.11.1 (28-May-2024): #529: Bump smtp-connection-pool from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 which improves performance and fixes a rare ConcurrentModificationException
- v8.11.1 (28-May-2024): #527: Bump org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.9 to 2.0.13
- v8.11.1 (28-May-2024): #523: Bump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.5 to 0.8.12
- v8.11.0 (25-May-2024): #526: When reading .msg files the RTF converted to HTML is garbled in some cases where the appropriate charset is not detected properly
NOTE: v8.11.0 contains many (minor) dependency updates to resolve CVE issues, including:
- parent POM upgrade: Upgrades test dependencies as well as SLF4J versions
- outlook-message-parser 1.13.2 -> 1.14.0
- java-reflection 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
- smtp-connection-pool 2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
- utils-mail-dkim 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0
- jakarta.mail-api 2.1.2 -> 2.1.3
- angus-mail 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3
- therapi-runtime-javadoc 0.13.0 -> 0.15.0
- kryo 5.0.0-RC1 -> 5.6.0
- maven-assembly-plugin 3.1.0 -> 3.7.1 (only for the CLI module during build)
v8.10.0 - v8.10.1
- v8.10.1 (04-May-2024): #510: Update upstream dependency generic-object-pool, which solves a critical bug when there are exceptions during allocation
- v8.10.0 (30-April-2024): #508: [enhancement+bug] Make EmailConverter API more consistent regarding Session parameter, don't use
anymore and fix bug whereemlToEmailBuilder
v8.9.0 (26-April-2024)
- #507: [security] Update 3rd party dependencies to get rid of all currently known CVE issues (see issue for details)
v8.8.0 - v8.8.4
- v8.8.4 (23-April-2024): #506: [CVE] Upgrade utils-mail-smime dependency to 2.3.2, to resolve CVE issue in bouncycastle
- v8.8.3 (13-April-2024): #502: [Bug] Message headers not treated with case insensitivity as per RFC, causing deviating headers to slip through the filters
- v8.8.2 (05-April-2024): #495: Add config support for 'verifyingServerIdentity' with SMTP, also: since Angus 1.1.0 (8.6.0) server identity checks are on by default and can be countered by mailerBuilder.verifyingServerIdentity(false)
- v8.8.2 (05-April-2024): #501: [dependency] Update outlook-message-parser dependency, which has improved support for X500 addresses
- v8.8.2 (05-April-2024): #499 (fix): [maintenance] Added missing finer-grained DKIM Spring Boot properties
- v8.8.1 (04-April-2024): #500: [bug] Fix parsing addresses from headers in EML files, like a Disposition-Notification-To with umlaut
- v8.8.0 (22-March-2024): #499: [Enhancement] Expose finer-grained DKIM configuration through the builder api and disable 'l-param' by default)
NOTE: release 8.8.0 changes the default for DKIM signing from 'l-param' true to false. If you rely on this feature, you need to enable it explicitly. Refer to the DKIM documentation for the update.
v8.7.0 - v8.7.1
- v8.7.1 (20-March-2024): #498: Make S/MIME algorithms configurable (signature algorithm for signing, key encapsulation and cipher algorithms for encryption)
- v8.7.1 (20-March-2024): #497: Order of attachments is lost when converting a MimeMessage to an Email
- v8.7.0 (20-March-2024): don't use this version: versioning messed up
NOTE: this breaks the API for S/MIME related builder methods. Refer to the S/MIME documentation for the new API.
v8.6.0 - v8.6.3
- v8.6.3 (13-February-2024): #491: [bug] Attachment body parts should separately parse Content-Disposition and ContentID, possible resulting in a downloadable attachment that is also embedded
- v8.6.2 (27-January-2024): #493: [bug] don't require smime-module when adding collection of headers (also used when copying email)
- v8.6.1 (18-January-2024): #487: Move header filtering from MimeMessageParser to EmailConverter, thereby enabling access to all parsed headers when using MimeMessageParser directly
- v8.6.1 (18-January-2024): #489: Finished update to Angus Mail by updating activation dependency
- v8.6.0 (17-January-2024): #489: Update to Angus Mail
NOTE: this release switches to Angus Mail which should be a transparent change, but if you encounter any issues, please report them.
One known issue is that Angus, since 1.1.0, performs server identity checks by default, which was previously disabled for SMTP. If you encounter issues with this, you can disable it with mailerBuilder.verifyingServerIdentity(false)
and starting from 8.8.2, this also works with SMTP transport strategy (see #495).
v8.5.0 - v8.5.1
- v8.5.1 (15-December-2023): #486: [dependency] Handle Outlook's Non-Standard S/MIME Signed Messages
- v8.5.0 (13-December-2023): #484: [bug] Addresses passed as string are not always interpreted correctly
v8.4.0 (12-December-2023)
- #483: Enhancement: add native support for overriding envelope-level receiver(s)
v8.3.0 - v8.3.5
- v8.3.5 (10-December-2023): #482 Bug: 'IllegalArgumentException: emailAddressList is required' when parsing mail with incorrect recipients from Outlook message
- v8.3.4 (08-December-2023): #481 Enhancement: don't crash on invalid empty embedded images when parsing Outlook messages
- v8.3.3 (03-December-2023): #477 Enhancement: Support Exchange proprietary addresses (X.500 DAP)
- v8.3.2 (26-November-2023): #480 Bug: Multiple attachments with same name get the same Content-ID, causing them to refer to the same file content
- v8.3.1 (09-October-2023): #440 Bug: names manually specified for embedded images are overridden and have extension added, breaking cid: references in HTML body
- v8.3.0 (09-October-2023): #475 Enhancement: Add configuration metadata for Spring Boot application properties
v8.2.0 (02-October-2023)
- #473 Bugfix: Add missing support for multiple reply-to addresses
v8.1.0 - v8.1.3
- v8.1.3 (14-July-2023): #467 Security: Medium severity vulnerability is detected in org.bouncycastle transitive dependency
- v8.1.3 (14-July-2023): #466 Maintenance: Let Mailer implement AutoCloseable, so it shuts down the connection pool automatically when disposed of by Spring
- v8.1.2 (23-June-2023): #465 Regression bug #461: Simple Java Mail always requires DKIM/SMIME modules
- v8.1.1 (07-June-2023): #461 Bugfix: Fixed MessageID not preserved when signing/encrypting with S/MIME and/or DKIM
- v8.1.0 (15-April-2023): #458 Missing osgi headers (#288) and added support for Apache Karaf
- v8.1.0 (15-April-2023): #288 Maintenance: missing OSGI package-exports from core-module
v8.0.0 - v8.0.1
- v8.0.1 (30-April-2023): #456: Enhancement: make Content-Transfer encoder detection more lenient, supporting more values from the wild
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #451: Feature: Make defaults and overrides a first class feature
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #452: Enhancement: with ".disableAllClientValidation(true)", also ignore errors from the completeness check
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #450: Bug: when using dispositionNotificationTo or returnReceiptTo mode, when the corresponding emails are not filled, it fails even though it should fall back to replyTo or From
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #449: Bug: IllegalArgumentException on parsing empty header name and value (when parsing Outlook message)
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #448: Bug: withEmailDefaults and withEmailOverrides does not work with CustomMailer
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #447: Enhancement: allow defaults/overrides to ignore individual fields (turn off for specific properties)
- v8.0.0 (08-March-2023): #446: Enhancement: add missing defaults properties for DKIM
This release changes how Email instances are built, or more specifically, when defaults and overrides are applied. There are now overloaded build methods that provide similar behaviour as previous versions.
v7.9.0 - v7.9.1
- v7.9.1 (22-February-2023): #444 Bugfix: encoded delimited recipients in EML not parsed properly
- v7.9.0 (21-February-2023): #344 Enhancement: make DKIM signing more flexible by allowing header exclusions in DKIM signature
v7.8.0 - v7.8.3
- v7.8.3 (21-February-2023): #293 Bugfix: Decoding missing in a few placed when parsing MimeMessage or sending an Email
- v7.8.2 (09-February-2023): #442 Enhancement: Simple Java Mail should throw an exception when trying to utilize S/MIME with smime-module on the classpath
- v7.8.1 (01-February-2023): #438 Bug: properly Fail-Fast in case of Transport claim timeout in the batch-module, rather than running into NPE further down the line
- v7.8.0 (24-January-2023): #436 Enhancement: add mailerBuilder.withTransportModeLoggingOnly() as mailer API entry point
- v7.8.0 (24-January-2023): #435 Enhancement: SMTP server config should be optional in case a CustomMailer is used
- v7.8.0 (24-January-2023): #427 Feature: set a maximum email size on Mailer level which throws EmailToBig exception when exceeded
v7.7.0 - v7.7.1
- v7.7.1 (18-January-2023): #434 Regression bug in #430: Email parameter missing in CustomMailer interface
- v7.7.0 (17-January-2023): #430 Enhancement: auto-reconnect (if needed) when reclaiming a Transport connection from the SMTP connection
- v7.7.0 (17-January-2023): #383 Feature: be able to set defaults and overrides on the Mailer level, rather than email or global level
7.7.0 moves the conversion of Email to MimeMessage to after a Transport instance has been selected (in case of a cluster of SMTP servers), so we can apply defaults/overrides on the Mailer level, meaning you can configure 'global' values for individual SMTP servers (like a fixed FROM per server).
v7.6.0 (05-January-2023)
- #421 Enhancement: Add support for OAUTH2 authentication
v7.5.0 - v7.5.2
- v7.5.2 (25-December-2022): #429 Bug: wrong username property used when password authentication is not needed
- v7.5.1 (12-December-2022): #416 Bug: Support encoder names regardless of their case ("base64" is the same as "BASE64")
- v7.5.1 (12-December-2022): #424 Maintenance: bump JMail dependency from 1.2.1 to 1.4.1
- v7.5.0 (28-July-2022): #411 Enhancement: expose validation sub steps in the MailerHelper class for the completeness check, CRLF inject scans and address validations
- v7.5.0 (28-July-2022): #410 Bug: CRLF injection scan missing for dispositionNotificationTo and returnReceiptTo
- v7.5.0 (28-July-2022): #390 Enhancement: make client sided validation optional, turning off address validation and CRLF injection detection
v7.5.1 (12-December-2022)
- #416 Bug: Support encoder names regardless of their case ("base64" is the same as "BASE64")
- #424 Maintenance: bump JMail dependency from 1.2.1 to 1.4.1
v7.5.0 (28-July-2022)
- #411 Enhancement: expose validation sub steps in the MailerHelper class for the completeness check, CRLF inject scans and address validations
- #410 Bug: CRLF injection scan missing for dispositionNotificationTo and returnReceiptTo
- #390 Enhancement: make client sided validation optional, turning off address validation and CRLF injection detection
v7.4.0 (19-July-2022)
- #407 Enhancement: Process all Outlook message headers, either copying the as-is or translating them to respective Simple Java Mail API calls
- #404 Minor bugfix: the new attachment's contentDescription was missing in Email.toString()
v7.3.0 (15-July-2022)
- #405 Feature: Expand email builder API to support forced content Content-Transfer-Encoding for attachments, like quoted-printable, base64, 7BIT and others
- #404 Feature: Expand email builder API to support Content-Description on attachments
v7.2.0 - v7.2.1
- v7.2.1 (13-July-2022): #396 Enhancement: make Outlook support tolerant of invalid/empty nested Outlook message attachments
- v7.2.0 (13-July-2022): #399 Feature: Expand email builder API to support selective content encoding, like quoted-printable, base64, 7BIT and others
v7.1.0 - v7.1.3
- v7.1.3 (12-July-2022): #403 Security: Bump zip4j (only used during testing)
- v7.1.2 (12-July-2022): #401 Enhancement: Add HEIC and WEBP support when dynamically resolving embedded images from classpath
- v7.1.2 (12-July-2022): #402 Security: Update Log4j to 2.17.1
- v7.1.2 (12-July-2022): #393 Security: Update Apache POI and POI Scratchpad
- v7.1.1 (27-March-2022): #387 Bug: memory leak in SMPT connection pool when 3rd party deallocation failed with exception
- v7.1.0 (25-January-2022): #379 Maintenance: Adjust dependencies and make Java 9+ friendly
v7.0.1 - v7.0.2
- v7.0.2 (25-January-2022): #329 Enhancement: Exceptions cause error-level logging in addition to rethrowing the exception, but should just include the message in a custom exception
- v7.0.2 (25-January-2022): #378 Bug: package org.simplejavamail.internal.modules causes split package problem in Java9+
- v7.0.1 (22-January-2022): #375 Bug: batch-module gives error when there is a custom mailer
v7.0.0 (2-January-2022)
It has been two years since the last major release, but 7.0.0 finally here!
Major features:
- #322 Simple Java Mail migrated to Java 8 finally (see notes below)
- #295 And also switched to JavaMail's successor Jakarta Mail 2.0.1 (see notes below)
- #323 Solved the great CLI performance problem (now executes near instantly)
- #319 Replaced the underlying regex-based email-address validation library with the lexer based JMail, which is faster, correcter, documented better and is more up-to-date with RFC's
- #367 The sendMail/testConnection methods now have proper support for
- #352 Bug: names regex groups are not supported in Android JVM
- #326 Bug: NullPointer when parsing Outlook Message with nested empty Outlook message
- #330 Bug: cli expected --mailer arguments duplicated 3 times
- #324 Bug: Add back missing log4j2 for CLI library
- #368 Resolve log4j (Java8) vulnerability in Simple Java Mail's CLI module
- #330 Improved feedback from failing CLI commands
- #327 Implement toString() for Mailer instances for debugging purposes
Updating to Java8/Jakarta 2.0.1 posed a challenge as the 3rd party S/MIME library java-utils-mail-smime has been abandoned/archived while developing Simple Java Mail. Furthermore, it was still under LGPL3 license while everything else is ApacheV2.
Thankfully, I obtained permissions from the maintainers -as well as original developers from decades ago on SourceForge- to take both java-utils-mail-smime and java-utils-mail-dkim under my wings at Simple Java Mail and change the licensing model! You can now post issues and pull requests here:
v6.7.0 - v6.7.6
- v6.7.6 (22-January-2022): #375 Bug: batch-module gives error when there is a custom mailer
- v6.7.5 (26-December-2021): #338 Enhancement: Also return AsyncResponse from plain Mailer.sendEmail(singleArgument) as async can be configured through MailerBuilder now
- v6.7.4 (25-December-2021): #331 Enhancement: Coalesce empty SMTP server arguments to null to support CLI better
- v6.7.3 (25-December-2021): #335 Bugfix: Precondition nonNull check also checks nonEmpty and breaks on clearEmailAddressCriteria
- v6.7.2 (25-December-2021): #318 Maintenance: Allow zero data attachments so Outlook message conversions don't crash and burn
- v6.7.1 (25-December-2021): #346 Bugfix: Add option to parse MimeMessage without fetching attachment data from server - Properly return named datasource without fetching all the data if unwanted
- v6.7.0 (25-December-2021): #356 Enhancement: Improve for support for Android < 8.0 (Fix NoClassDefFoundError)
- v6.7.0 (25-December-2021): #351 Bugfix: emlToEmail() and mimeMessageToEmail() break on mesages with duplicate names and legacy empty nested messages
- v6.7.0 (25-December-2021): #347 Maintenance: Reduce log-spam and prevent exception on every module availability check
- v6.7.0 (25-December-2021): #346 Feature: Add option to parse MimeMessage without fetching attachment data from server
v6.6.0 - v6.6.2
- v6.6.2 (23-December-2021): #365 Security: Resolve log4j vulnerability in Simple Java Mail
- v6.6.1 (12-June-2021): #321 Enhancement: Ignore malformed recipient addresses and continue parsing email data
- v6.6.0 (1-June-2021): #320 Enhancement: Added default S/MIME signing to Mailer level and fixed crippling performance bug
v6.5.0 - v6.5.4
v6.5.4 (22-May-2021): #315 Enhancement: Nested attachments of Outlook message attachments are now preserved as standard EML MimeMessage attachments
NOTE: This removes the Kryo dependency
v6.5.3 (4-May-2021): #314 Bugfix: Nested attachments of Outlook message attachments are now preserved, by utilizing Kryo
NOTE: This add Kryo as extra dependency to the outlook-module (and is subsequently removed in 6.5.4)
v6.5.2 (15-April-2021): #311 Bugfix: text/calendar as string -> ClassCastException (if calendar type is not Inputstream)
v6.5.1 (10-April-2021): #307 / #310 Bugfix: embedded image resource name got mangled
v6.5.0 (16-February-2021): #298 Enhancement: Nested Outlook messages aren't discarded anymore, but parsed to serialized Email objects
v6.5.0 (16-February-2021): #292 Bugfix: NullPointerException in SmimeUtilFixed when protocol is missing (which is valid)
v6.5.0 (16-February-2021): #289 Bugfix: Support multiple headers with same key
This release breaks all GET/SET api regarding headers used as map (Map<String, T> -> Map<String, Collection<T>>) This release might break api in the rare case you relied on the attachment list and you have nested Outlook .msg attachments (previously omitted in the results)
v6.4.0 - v6.4.5
- v6.4.5 (13-Februari-2021): #306 Maintenance: Update outlook-message-parser to 1.7.9
- v6.4.5 (13-Februari-2021): #304 Regression bugfix: batch-module needed for sending mails async, basic version should work without
- v6.4.5 (13-Februari-2021): #303 Bugfix: EML Attachments are modified/have the wrong size
- v6.4.4 (25-October-2020): #294 Always invoke async success/exception handlers even if set after sending email (behaving more like promises/futures)
- v6.4.4 (25-October-2020): #291 On Exception only log the email ID at error level and log the whole email at trace level
- v6.4.4 (25-October-2020): #290 Only perform expensive logging logic if respective logging level is enabled
- v6.4.3 (6-August-2020): #284 Improved support for Calendar attachments created by gMail
- v6.4.3 (6-August-2020): #283 Bugfix: Fix support for reading Calendar attachments with quoted-printable transfer-type
- v6.4.2 (3-August-2020): #281 Bugfix: Fix support for reading Calendar attachments
- v6.4.1 (26-July-2020): #252 Bugfix: Added missing support for S/MIME enveloped signing
- v6.4.0 (19-July-2020): #268 Immediately resolve InputStreams when building emails, don't reuse
- This primarily affects the builder api for S/MIME and DKIM signing / encryption.
v6.3.0 - v6.3.2 (11-July-2020 - 12-July-2020)
- #271 Bugfix: Attachment (file)names with special characters should not be encoded
- #248 Bugfix: MimeMessageHelper: use complete filename as resource name
- #279 Allow extra Session properties configured through
- #277 Add API for using custom SSLSocketFactory
v6.2.0 (9-July-2020)
This release adds the following major new feature:
- #260 Add support for dynamic datasource resolution (file/url/classpath) for embedded images in HTML body
v6.1.0 (5-July-2020)
- #264 Switch from AssertionError to IllegalStateException
- Bumped outlook-message-parser from 1.7.3 to 1.7.5
- bugfix for parsing chinese unsent Outlook messages
- bugfix Outlook attachments with special characters in the name
- Bumped email-rfc2822-validator from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0
- bugfix properly handle brackets in email addresses when allowed
- Bumped log4j-core from 2.6.1 to 2.13.2
v6.0.2 - v6.0.5 (21-January-2020 - 13-June-2020)
- #270 Bug: CLI module missing Jetbrains @Nullable annotation dependency needed in runtime
- #262 Bug: Executor settings passed to the builder are ignored
- #249 Bug: MimeMessageParser doesn't handle multiple attachments with the same name correctly
- #245 Bug: JDK9+ Incorrect JPMS Automatic-Module-Name
- #246 Bug: Sending async emails with and without the Batch module cause lingering threads
v6.0.0-rc1 - v6.0.1 (18-December-2019 - 24-January-2020)
After almost two years of development the next major release 6.0.0 is finally here! And what a doozy it is, with the following major new features:
The core library is now even smaller compared to the 5.x.x series going from 183kb to 134kb!
- CLI support!!,
- major performance improvement with advanced batch processing including support for mail server clusters.
- You can now replace the final sending of emails with your own logic, using a 3rd party service of your choice.
- 6.0.0 also includes support for S/MIME signed and encrypted emails!
- All 3rd party dependencies have been made optional by splitting up Simple Java Mail into easy to use modules.
- You can now monitor and handle async processing using Futures.
- MimeMessage results are now structurally matched to specific needs (only using alternative/mixed etc. when needed)
Here's the complete list of changes:
- #183 To manage all the optional dependencies and related code, Simple Java Mail should be split up into modules
- #156 Add CLI support
- #214 Support more advanced batch processing use cases
- #187 Simple Java Mail should have optional support for signed S/MIME attachments
- #121 Introduce interfaces for validation and sending, so these steps can be customized
- #144 Simple Java Mail should tailor the MimeMessage structure to specific needs
- #138 Add support for Calendar events (iCalendar vEvent)
- #235 Be able to fix the sent date for a new email
- #232 Improve encoding of attachment file names
- #222 Add config property support for trusting hosts and verifying server identity
- #212 Authenticated proxy server started even if already running, raising exception
- #207 Implement more comprehensive ThreadPoolExecutor and expose config options
- #211 SpringSupport should expose the intermediate builder for customization
- #193 Simple Java Mail should use default server ports when not provided by the user
- #242 Renamed log4j2.xml to log4j2_example.xml, so it doesn't clash with project config
- #241 EmailConverter.outlookMsgToEmail duplicates recipients
- #239 List of Recipients not ordered as added (insertion order not maintained)
- #236 Message ID should be mapped from Outlook messages as well
- #210 Connection/session timeout properties not set when not sending in batch mode
- #201 When parsing Outlook message, FROM address should default to a dummy address when missing
- #200 When parsing Outlook message, attachment name doesn't fall back on filename if proper name is empty
- #161 When reading (chinese) .msg files, HTML converted from RTF is completely garbled (encoding issue)
- #159 Can not parse email with blank email address headers
- #139 Multiple Bodyparts of same Content-Type not supported for text/html & text/plain within Multipart/mixed or Multipart/alternative
- #151 Attachment's file extension overwritten by resource's invalid extension
- #165 Move away from Findbugs (unofficial JSR-305) annotations
- #164 The DKIM dependency has been updated to benefit from the newer Apache V2 license
- #164 The DKIM dependency has been updated to benefit from the newer Apache V2 license
- #184 Update JavaMail dependency to 1.6.2, adding support for UTF-8 charset
- #186 Update JavaMail dependency to 1.6.2, adding support for authenticated HTTP web proxy
- #146 Added OSGI manifest and switched to spotbugs
- v6.0.1, v1.7.3: #27 When from name/address are not available (unsent emails), these fields are filled with binary garbage
- v6.0.1, v1.7.2: #26 To email address is not handled properly when name is omitted
- v6.0.0, v1.7.1: #25 NPE on ClientSubmitTime when original message has not been sent yet
- v6.0.0, v1.7.1: #23 Bug: _nameid directory should not be parsed (and causing invalid HTML body)
- v6.0.0, v1.7.0: #18 Upgrade Apache POI 3.9 -> 4.x (but managed back for Simple Java Mail due to incompatibility with Java 7)
- v6.0.0, v1.6.0: #21 Multiple TO recipients are not handles properly
- v6.0.0, v1.5.0: #20 CC and BCC recipients are not parsed properly
- v6.0.0, v1.5.0: #19 Use real Outlook ContentId Attribute to resolve CID Attachments
- v6.0.0, v1.4.1: #17 Fixed encoding error for UTF-8's Windows legacy name (cp)65001
- v6.0.0, v1.4.0: #9 Replaced the RFC to HTML converter with a brand new RFC-compliant convert! (thanks to @fadeyev!)
- v6.0.0, v1.3.0: #14 Dependency problem with Java9+, missing Jakarta Activation Framework
- v6.0.0, v1.3.0: #13 HTML start tags with extra space not handled correctly
- v6.0.0, v1.3.0: #11 SimpleRTF2HTMLConverter inserts too many
tags - v6.0.0, v1.3.0: #10 Embedded images with DOS-like names are classified as attachments
- v6.0.0, v1.3.0: #9 SimpleRTF2HTMLConverter removes some valid tags during conversion
- v6.0.0, v1.2.1: Ignore non S/MIME related content types when extracting S/MIME metadata
- v6.0.0, v1.2.1: Added toString and equals methods to the S/MIME data classes
- v6.0.0, v1.1.21: Upgraded mediatype recognition based on file extension for incomplete attachments
- v6.0.0, v1.1.21: Added / improved support for public S/MIME meta data
- v6.0.0, v1.1.20: #7 Fix missing S/MIME header details that are needed to determine the type of S/MIME application
- v6.0.0, v1.1.19: Log rtf compression error, but otherwise ignore it and keep going and extract what we can.
A big shout-out to @dnault (runtime javadoc), @remkop (picocli) and @markenwerk (S/MIME and DKIM) for working with me to make the libraries work with JDK7+ and do what Simple Java Mail needed! Finally, a great many thanks the numerous contributors on Simple Java Mail as well as outlook-message-parser - this release would not be there without you.
v5.5.0 - v5.5.1
- v5.5.1 (20-October-2019): #230 Bugfix: Missing address value in address headers (i.e. Return-Path) not handled properly, resulting in Exception
- v5.5.0 (15-October-2019): #229 Bugfix: Timeouts not working for synchronous sendMail calls.
If you had connection properties configured for non-async send jobs, only now they will actually start to take effect.
v5.4.0 (28-August-2019)
- #221 API bugfix: server identity verification should not be tied to host trusting
- #226 Bug fix: Attachments with spaces in name are not handled properly
- #218 Enhancement: make Email serializable
- #227 Enhancement: Make parsing recipients from EML file more lenient
- #225 Enhancement: Clarify dependency on Jakarta Activation: DataSources no longer work on Java 9+
v5.3.0 (16-August-2019)
- #215 Bug: Current DKIM header canonicalization can lead to invalid DKIM
Note this release should have no impact, but nonetheless is a minor update, so you can determine for yourself if this update would cause issues. The release changes DKIM header canonicalization from SIMPLE to RELAXED.
v5.2.1 (16-August-2019)
- #219 Bug: MimeMessageParser rejects attachments with duplicate names
v5.2.0 (7-July-2019)
- #213 Update from javax.mail:1.6.0 to jakarta.mail:1.6.3
Note that dependencies that switched as well have been updated as part of this change. This includes the optional DKIM library and the email validation library:
- net.markenwerk:utils-mail-dkim (1.1.10 -> 1.2.0)
- com.github.bbottema:emailaddress-rfc2822 (1.1.2 -> 2.1.3)
v5.1.1 - v5.1.7
- v5.1.7 (22-May-2019): #171 Header validation tripping on known safe emails due to References header
- v5.1.6 (27-April-2019): #204 A Concurrent exception when an async process starts when the previous connection pool didn't shut down in time
- v5.1.6 (27-April-2019): #204 B Exceptions in threads are now caught and logged and don't bubble up anymore. Note that more comprehensive exception handling will be available in 6.0.0 (#148).
- v5.1.5 (24-April-2019): #202 Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when moving invalid embedded images as regular attachments
- v5.1.4 (5-April-2019): #163 Fixed missing mimetype for attachments when parsing Outlook messages where mimeTag was not included
- v5.1.3 (15-Januari-2019): Updated to newer rfc-validator version, which fixed a regression bug in that library
- v5.1.2 (9-Januari-2019): #189 Bugfix for missing timeout config for .testConnection() function
- v5.1.1 (22-December-2018): #190 Fix for transitive dependency clash because of emailaddress-rfc2822 library
v5.1.0 (21-November-2018)
- #179 You can now test the connection to the SMTP server
v5.0.1 - v5.0.8
- v5.0.8 (27-Oktober-2018): #178 Fix the annoying vulnerability GitHub report about spring-core
- v5.0.7 (27-Oktober-2018): #175 Attachment names are not always parsed properly from MimeMessage
- v5.0.6 (3-Oktober-2018): #167 Email addresses validated despite cleared validation criteria
- v5.0.5 (3-Oktober-2018): #137 When replying to an email with HTML, the result body is empty
- v5.0.4 (22-September-2018): #168 Properties aquired through ConfigLoader should be typed explicitly and converted if necessary
- v5.0.3 (11-April-2018): #136 ServerConfig class should be public API
- v5.0.2 (7-April-2018): #135 trustingAllHosts should be public on the Builder API
- v5.0.2 (7-April-2018): #131 NamedDataSource should implement EncodingAware
- v5.0.1 (10-March-2018): #130 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.markenwerk.utils.mail.dkim.DkimMessage. Solves the issue of missing optional class DKIM even when not used
v5.0.0 (14-Februari-2018)
Also see the migration notes
- #116 You can now test the connection to the SMTP server
- #115 Create mailers with a very robust MailerBuilder API, able to ignore defaults as well
- #114 Create emails with a very robust EmailBuilder API, able to ignore defaults as well. Now includes support for InternetAddress. Also copy emails.
- #107 You can now easily forward or reply to emails!
- #111 Protocol properties for SMTPS are now applied properly
- #105 SMTP tries to upgrade to TLS while SMTP_TLS now enforces it and for both SMTP_TLS and SMTPS, mail.smtp.ssl.checkserveridentity is set to true
Complete Javadoc overhaul. Navigating the Javadoc should be much more consistent now (builder API being the single public source of truth).
- #122 The email-rfc2822-validator library has been made a proper Maven dependency (not packaged along anymore)
- #120 The DKIM library has been made an optional proper Maven dependency (not packaged along anymore)
- #119 Switched optional Spring dependency version to property and now testing with 4.3.11.RELEASE
- #113 Updated the underlying JavaMail to 1.6.0
- #110 Trusted hosts should be space-delimited
- #109 Email headers should be allowed to be empty (now conversion errors can occur as well)
- #103 Converting to MimeMessage results in an invalid Content-Disposition for attachments
v4.4.5 (2-September-2017)
- #101 API backwards compatibility update, reinstate old addRecipient API as deprecated (sorry for removing it abruptly)
v4.4.4 (23-August-2017)
API usability release. This relase streamlined the recipient setters, breaking backwards compatibility (but straightforward to fix)
- #95 Feature: Add support native API for setting Return-Receipt-To header
- #93 Feature: Add support native API for setting Disposition-Notification-To header
- #91 Feature: Add support for parsing preformatted email addresses that include both name and address
- #94 Bugfix: A single EmailBuilder would build emails that all share the same collections for recipients, attachments and embedded images
- #98 Bugfix: Subject and body content should be optional
v4.3.0 (12-August-2017)
Security and timeout release.
This version safeguards against SMTP injection attack from external values entering the library through Email instance. Also, this release introduces default/configurable timeouts for connecting, reading and writing when sending an email.
- #89 Support multiple delimited recipient addresses sharing the same TO/CC/BCC name
- #88 Safeguard subject property (and others) against SMTP CRLF injection attacks
- #85 Apply configurable timeouts when sending emails
- #83 Parse INLINE attachments without ID as regular attachments when converting (mostly applicable to Apple emails)
v4.2.3 (21-May-2017)
#79: Enhancement: define custom message ID on the Email object
#74: v4.2.3-java-6-release: A java6 version with limited capabilities: I've released a customised java6 release with a customised outlook-message-parser 1.1.16-java6-release. This is the last java6 release I will do, as it is simply too much manual labor to create a limited second edition.
For this edition, I've removed the JDK7 Phaser completely which has the following consequences:
- If authenticated proxy is used, the bridging proxy server will not be shut down automatically (and might not run the second time)
- If mails are sent in async mode, the connection pool will not be shut down anymore by itself
This means your server/application might not stop properly due to lingering processes. To be completely safe, only send emails in sync mode (used by default) and don't use authenticated proxy config.
v4.2.2 (10-May-2017)
- #73: Patch: fix for sending emails in async mode, which makes sure the connection pool is always closed when the last known email has been sent. Without this fix, the connection pool keeps any parent process running (main thread or Tomcat for example) until a hard kill.
v4.2.1 (12-Feb-2017)
Patch: streamlined convenience methods for adding recipients.
v4.2.0 (12-Feb-2017)
Major feature: Using the EmailConverter you can now convert between Outlook .msg, EML, MimeMessage and Email!
- #66: Feature: convert email to EML
- #65: Feature: read outlook messages from .msg file
- #64: Feature: Added support for logging-only mode that skips the actual sending of emails
- #63: Feature: Already including in previous patch update: Spring support (read properties from Spring context)
- #69: Enhancement: Expanded EmailBuilder API to inlude more options for setting (multiple) recipients
- #70: Enhancement: Most public API now have defensive null-checks for required fields (Fail Fast support)
- #68: Bugfix: Name should be required for embedded images (added safeguards)
- #67: Bugfix: Error when name was omitted for attachment
- minor: added methods on AttachmentResource that reads back the content as (encoded) String
- other: internal testing is now done using Wiser SMTP test server for testing live sending emails
Note: Starting this release, there will always be a Java6 compatible release as well versioned: "x.y.z-java6-release"
v4.1.3 (28-Jan-2017)
- #61: Feature: Add support for providing your own Properties object
- #63: Feature: Spring support (read properties from Spring context)
- #58: Bugfix: Add support for non-English attachment and embedded image names
- #62: Bugfix: Empty properties loaded from config should be considered null
NOTE: ConfigLoader moved from /internal/util
to /util
v4.1.2 (07-Nov-2016)
- #52: bug fix for windows / linux disparity when checking socket status
- #56: bug fix for IOException when signing dkim with a File reference
v4.1.1 (30-Jul-2016)
- #50: bug fix for manual naming datasources
v4.1.0 (22-Jul-2016)
- #48: Added programmatic support trusting hosts for SSL connections
- #47: Honor given names, deduce extension from datasource name, and more robust support for parsing mimemessages
v4.0.0 (05-Jul-2016)
- #41: added support for fast parallel batch processing
- #42: added support for config files
- #43: removed logging implementation dependencies from distribution and documented various sample configs
- #39: simplified and renamed packages to reflect the domain name of the new website:
- #38: added support for anonymous proxy
- #38: added support for authenticated proxy
NOTE: All packages have been renamed to "org.simplejavamail.(..)" NOTE: Switched to Java 7
v3.1.1 (11-May-2016)
Major feature: DKIM support!
- #36: Added proper toString and equals methods for the Email classes
- #33: Added support for DKIM domain key signing
NOTE: this is the last release still using Java 6. Next release will be using Java 7. /edit: starting with 4.2.0 every release will now have a "x.y.z-java6-release" release as well
v3.0.2 (07-May-2016)
- #35: added proper .equals() and .toString() methods
- #34: Fixed bug when disposition is missing (assume it is an attachment)
- other: added findbugs support internally
v3.0.1 (29-Feb-2016)
- #31: Fixed EmailAddressCriteria.DEFAULT and clarified Javadoc
v3.0.0 (26-Feb-2016)
- #30: Improved the demonstration class to include attachments and embedded images
- #29: The package has been restructured for future maintenance, breaking backwards compatibility
- #28: Re-added improved email validation facility
- #22: Added conversion to and from MimeMessage. You can now consume and produce MimeMessage objects with simple-java-mail
v2.5.1 (19-Jan-2016)
- #25: Added finally clause that will always close socket properly in case of an exception
v2.5 (19-Jan-2016)
- #24: Updated dependencies SLF4J to 1.7.13 and switched to the updated javax mail package com.sun.mail:javax.mail 1.5.5
v2.4 (12-Aug-2015)
- #21: builder API uses CC and BCC recipient types incorrectly
v2.3 (21-Jul-2015)
- #19: supporting custom Session Properties now and emergency access to internal Session object.
v2.2 (09-May-2015)
- #3: turned off email regex validation by default, with the option to turn it back on
- #7: fixed NullPointerException when using your own Session instance
- #10: properly UTF-8 encode recipient addresses
- #14: switched to SLF4J, so you can easily use your own selected logging framework
- #17: Added fluent interface for building emails (see here for an example)
v2.1 (09-Aug-2012)
- fixed character encoding for reply-to, from, to, body text and headers (to UTF-8)
- fixed bug where Recipient was not public resulting in uncompilable code when calling email.getRecipients()
v2.0 (20-Aug-2011)
- added support for adding open headers, such as 'X-Priority: 2'
v1.9.1 (08-Aug-2011)
- updated for Maven support
v1.9 (6-Aug-2011)
- added support for JavaMail's reply-to address
- made port optional as to support port defaulting based on protocol
- added transport strategy default in the createSession method
- tightened up thrown exceptions (MailException instead of RuntimeException)
- added and fixed Javadoc
- Added support for TLS (tested with gmail)
v1.7 (22-Mar-2011)
Added support for SSL! (tested with gmail)
- improved argument validation when creating a Mailer without preconfigured Session instance
known possible issue: SSL self-signed certificates might not work (yet). Please let me know by e-mail or create a new issue
Completed migration to Java Simple Mail project.
- removed all Vesijama references
- updated TestMail demonstration class for clarification
- updated readme.txt for test run instructions
- included
v1.4 (15-Jan-2011)
vX.X (26-Apr-2009)
- Initial upload to Google Code.