Read data from public transit cards using your NFC Android phone! (iOS 13 and PC/SC support coming soon)
Inject frida script when process starts
Meta-package pulling in shims needed for web apps
A work-in-progress open source reimplementation of the classic Macintosh shareware game Reckless Drivin'
A library to assist writing memory-unsafe code in "pure" python, without any imports (i.e. no ctypes etc.)
Tools for developers to create truly open IoT products using standard JavaScript on low cost microcontrollers.
Spin up new Windows qubes quickly, effortlessly and securely on Qubes OS
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
Converts a MagicaVoxel .vox file into layered sprites and writes them to a .png file
(LEGACY) Quake .map support for Godot 3.x
Enhancements tracking repo for Kubernetes
Generate images for k3os compatible with various armv8/aarch64/arm64 devices
Collection of extensions made for Playnite.
Library for structured fuzzing with protobuffers
</> htmx - high power tools for HTML
In which a PDF is a Git Repository Containing its own LaTeX Source and a Copy of Itself
An easy to use on-screen annotation software inspired by Epic Pen.
Drop-in replacement USB PCB for the Apple M0116 powered by QMK
A curated list of Game Challenges from various CTFs
Working with the 13 dollar Tzumi MagicTV.