Read your module's package.json without importing it.
Why not just import your package.json? Importing your package.json can break your project's structure when using TypeScript if package.json is outside of your source folder.
yarn add @bconnorwhite/module
npm install @bconnorwhite/module
import {
} from "@bconnorwhite/module";
function getPackageJSON(dirname: string): Promise<PackageJSON | undefined>;
function getPackageJSONSync(dirname: string): PackageJSON | undefined;
function getVersion(dirname: string): Promise<string | undefined>;
function getVersionSync(dirname: string): string | undefined;
- find-up: Find a file or directory by walking up parent directories
- read-json-safe: Read objects from JSON files without try catch.
- types-pkg-json: Type checking for package.json
- @bconnorwhite/bob: Bob is a toolkit for TypeScript projects
- @types/node: TypeScript definitions for Node.js
- @bconnorwhite/package: A utility for reading package.json of a project, and forming paths relative to it.