This action gathers metrics about the repository and loads them to a Firebase database that you specify.
Repo metrics will be saved into a collection named
Required GitHub secret token. Should provide ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Required Firebase project id provided in your Firebase Admin SDK private key JSON file.
Required Firebase private key provided in your Firebase Admin SDK private key JSON file.
Required Firebase client email provided in your Firebase Admin SDK private key JSON file.
Required Url of your Firebase database.
uses: michaeljolley/aggregit@v1
githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
project_id: ${{ secrets.project_id }}
private_key: ${{ secrets.private_key }}
client_email: ${{ secrets.client_email }}
firebaseDbUrl: ${{ secrets.firebaseDbUrl }}
The following schema represents the data that will be saved for each repo document in the Firebase database.
name: 'repoName',
url: '',
contributors: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
issues: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
forks: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
pullRequests: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
stars: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
watchers: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
totalIssues: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3
totalPullRequests: {
'2020-04-14': 4,
'2020-04-15': 3