談論 - discussion
- Japanese - danron
- Chinese - tán lùn 谈论
Danron is a Python Flask app designed to facilitate distributed IndieWeb Chat.
- Python v2.7
- Danron is written using Flask and takes advantage of the builtin Jinja template handling
- Because Danron needs to to store state information for authentication and authorization, it requires a Redis database
- All Micropub and Webmention calls are handled, dispatched and then an HTTP code 202 is returned.
The Flask part of Danron uses the normal Flask settings.py
configuration file, see https://github.com/bear/Danron/blob/master/Danron/settings.py for reference.
All of the dependencies are outlined in a pip installable requirements.txt
dev mode - make server
uwsgi - make uwsgi
- allow micropub create
- allow webmentions ala brid.gy publish
- scan sourceurl for a single chat/note
- scan sourceurl for all chat/notes, cache?
- push
- pubsubhubbub
- superfeedr
Thank you @attackgithub for Issue 3 and giving me the Chinese name