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Ring middleware to parse, decide and verify JWT tokens


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Ring middleware for parsing, decoding and verifying a JWS-signed JWT token from the incoming request.

Built on top of the excellent auth0 JWT library.

Once wired into to your ring server, the middleware will:

  • Search for a JWT token on each incoming request (see below for information on where it looks).
  • Will add the claims it finds in the token as a clojure map against the :claims key on the incoming request.
  • Add an empty :claims map to the request if no token is found.
  • Respond with a 401 if the JWS signature in the token cannot be verified.
  • Respond with a 401 if the token has expired (i.e. the exp claim indicates a time in the past)
  • Respond with a 401 if the token will only be active in the future (i.e. the nbf claim indicates a time in the future)

Note that there is the option to specify a leeway for the exp/nbf checks - see usage below.


[ovotech/ring-jwt "0.1.0"]


(require '[ring.middleware.jwt :refer [wrap-jwt]])

(defn handler [request]
  (response {:foo "bar"}))

(jwt/wrap-jwt handler {:alg        :HS256
                       :public-key "yoursecret"})

Depending upon the cryptographic algorithm that is selected for the middleware, a different map of options will be required. Note that, at the point your ring middleware is wired up, ring-jwt will throw an error if it detects that the given options are invalid.

Currently the following JWA algorithms are supported for the purposes of JWS:

Algorithm Options
RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256 {:alg :RS256 :public-key public-key} [1]
{:alg :RS256 :jwk-endpoint "https://your/jwk/endpoint"}
{:alg :RS256 :key-fn kid->pk } [2]
HMAC using SHA-256 {:alg :HS256 :public-key "your-secret"}

[1] public-key is of type

[2] kid->pk is a user-provided fn that takes a key id (^String from the "kid" header in the JWT) and returns a

Additionally, the following optional options are supported:

  • leeway-seconds: The number of seconds leeway to give when verifying the expiry/active from claims of the token (i.e. the exp and nbf claims).
  • issuer: The issuer of the token, if this does not match the issuer on a token a 401 will be returned.
  • finder: A fn taking a ring request and returning the JWT to decode

Finding the token on the request

By default the library looks in order from the following locations:

  1. Authorization header bearer token (i.e. an Authorization HTTP header of the form "Bearer TOKEN")

If the token is in a different location, use the finder option to extract the token from the Ring request. Example:

(fn [req] (get-in req [:headers "x-authorization"]))

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Copyright © 2018 Ovo Energy Ltd.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Ring middleware to parse, decide and verify JWT tokens







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