Vert.x Awesome is an list of awesome frameworks, libraries or other components for use with or that use Vert.x version 3.
If you want your component to appear here, send a pull request to this repository to add it.
Please note that we can't vouch for the stability or production-worthiness of everything on this list unless it has
the icon next to it.
That icon means the component is part of the official
Vert.x stack.
For vert.x version 2, check this page.
- Web frameworks
- Authentication Authorisation
- Database Clients
- Integration
- Language Support
- Reactive
- Sync Thread Non Block
- Vert.x Event Bus Clients
- Cluster Managers
- Cloud Support
- Docker
- Search engines
- Service factory
- Dependency Injection
- Distribution
- Examples
- Vert.x Web
- full featured web toolkit for Vert.x.
- Vert.x Jersey - create JAX-RS Jersey resources in Vert.x.
- Vert.x Auth JDBC
- Vert.x authentication/authorisation JDBC based.
- Vert.x Auth JWT
- Vert.x Authorisation based on JSON Web Tokens.
- Vert.x Auth Shiro
- Vert.x AuthN/AuthZ based on Apache Shiro.
Clients for connecting to databases
Relational Databases
- Asynchronous interface around a JDBC datasource
- MySQL - Asynchronous client for MySQL
- PostgreSQL - Asynchronous client for PostgreSQL
NoSQL Databases
- Async SMTP client
- JCA adaptor
- Java Connector Architecture Adaptor for the Vert.x event bus
- JCA adaptor
- Meteor - Meteor integration support through Vert.x event bus
- Hawkular metrics - Hawkular implementation of the Vert.x Metrics SPI
- DropWizard metrics
- Metrics implementation using DropWizard metrics
- OpenTsDb Metrics - OpenTsDb metrics client for vert.x
- Bosun Monitoring - Bosun client library for vert.x
Programming language support for Vert.x
- Ceylon - Ceylon support
- Groovy
- Groovy support
- Java
- Vert.x main repository (including the Java API)
- JavaScript
- JavaScript support
- Python - Python support
- Ruby
- Ruby support
- Scala - Scala support
- TypeScript - TypeScript support
- Reactive Streams
- Vert.x Reactive Streams
- Reactive Extensions
- Vert.x Reactive Extensions.
- Sync - Synchronous but non-OS-thread-blocking verticles
Clients to connect applications to the vert.x event bus
Implementations of the vert.x cluster manager SPI
- Hazelcast Cluster Manager
- Hazelcast cluster manager
- JGroups Cluster Manager - JGroups cluster manager
- Zookeeper Cluster Manager - Zookeeper cluster manager
- Copycat Cluster Manager - a Copycat based Cluster Manager implementation for Vert.x 3.
- OpenShift DIY cartridge
- OpenShift DIY Cartridge using Vert.x
- OpenShift Vert.x cartridge
- OpenShift Vert.x Cartridge using Vert.x
- Docker images
- Docker images for Vert.x
- Vert.x ElasticSearch Service - Vert.x 3 elastic search service with event bus proxying.
- Vert.x Solr Service - Vert.x 3 Solr service with event bus proxying.
- Vert.x Unit
- Async polyglot unit testing for Vert.x.
- Service Factory
- Vert.x Service Factory
- Maven Service Factory
- Maven Vert.x Service Factory
- HTTP Service Factory
- Vert.x HTTP Service Factory
- Vert.x Guice - Vert.x verticle factory for Guice dependency injection
- Vert.x HK2 - Vert.x verticle factory for HK2 dependency injection
- Spring Vert.x Extension - Vert.x verticle factory for Spring DI injection
- Vert.x Stack
- Vert.x + the endorsed modules
- Vert.x examples
- The official Vert.x examples including web examples, how to use the official database clients, ...
- Vert.x feeds - Example of an RSS aggregator built using Vert.x, Gradle, MongoDB, Redis, Handlebars templates, AngularJS, the event bus and SockJS
- Vert.x Markdown service - Example on how to use service-proxy with Gradle.