aurelia Public
Forked from pawelpawlow/aureliaGeneral information about Durandal Aurelia.
MIT License UpdatedDec 31, 2014 -
jquery-handsontable Public
Forked from handsontable/handsontableHandsontable is a minimal approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 29, 2014 -
ark-tweet-nlp Public
Forked from brendano/ark-tweet-nlpCMU ARK Twitter Part-of-Speech Tagger
Java Other UpdatedApr 11, 2014 -
vertx-mongo-persistor-lib Public
Smallish helper library to interface with the vert.x mongo persistor mod
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 16, 2013 -
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