Tags: beetbox/beets
Add a workflow for easily creating releases (#4952) I humbly present a solution our lack of releases: a workflow that can be triggered to automatically create one. This workflow builds the project, creates a GitHub release, and publishes beets to PyPi, for a one-stop solution. @sampsyo this would make it much easier to create releases, as it requires only one little interaction: going to the actions tab and entering a version number. Once that's done, the workflow should take care of the rest. I have only tested the `build` job so far, since I can't do anything about the pypi or do a release just to test, but the code is lifted from other similar actions and should work fine. It also requires one piece of setup. This is that PyPi must be set up with a [trusted publisher](https://docs.pypi.org/trusted-publishers/) to receive the new package. Once that's done, the process should go off automatically.