- Morisset, Australia
- www.bencorlett.com
Magento Google Pagespeed Optimization Extension
A framework agnostic Breadcrumb management Package for PHP
bencorlett / manuals
Forked from cartalyst/manualsAll Cartalyst manuals Repository
Customer group specific payment and shipping methods
bencorlett / Laravel-Blade
Forked from Medalink/laravel-bladeBlade Syntax Highlight support for Laravel Blade templates.
This package adds syntax definitions for the Laravel Blade engine.
A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap
OpenJS Grid is the easiest jQuery Grid ever. With very little work you can have a data grid that can do everything from sorting and searching to complex database queries. Best of all, its open sour…
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Customer group specific payment and shipping methods
grgcombs / RestKit
Forked from RestKit/RestKitRestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling restful web resources on OS X and iPhone/iPad
A jQuery plugin that extends Sortable UI functionalities to nested lists.
RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X
A similar control to the pull down to refresh control created by atebits in Tweetie 2.