- Paris
Starred repositories
FakerPHP / Faker
Forked from fzaninotto/FakerFaker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
marekkalnik / guard-phpunit2
Forked from ramon/guard-phpunit2Guard::PHPUnit automatically runs your tests
flevour / Carbon
Forked from briannesbitt/CarbonA simple API extension for DateTime with PHP 5.3+
Helper that decorates any SUS with a phpspec2 lazy object wrapper
Doctrine ORM Extension for Silex
a repository of Silex Service Providers
Documentation for Doctrine 1
A simple feature toggle bundle for syfmony2 and twig
benja-M-1 / Kindling
Forked from ejensen/KindlingA Google Chrome extension that adds useful features to 37signals Campfire
Port of Radiant CMS to Symfony2
benja-M-1 / toilet
Forked from theodo/toiletUbuntu application to check the toilets' availability of Theodo
Provides easy thumbnail making for your doctrine models
Port of Radiant CMS to Symfony2
benja-M-1 / composer
Forked from composer/composerPackage Manager for PHP
benja-M-1 / symfony-docs
Forked from symfony/symfony-docsThe Symfony2 documentation
Generates Symfony2 bundles, entities, forms, CRUD, and more...
Solarized Colorscheme for IntelliJ IDEA
benja-M-1 / GMapBundle
Forked from jfsimon/GMapBundle[DEVEL] A Symfony2 bundle to manage GMap API
benja-M-1 / sfEasyGMapPlugin
Forked from theodo/sfEasyGMapPluginThe sfEasyGMap plugin provides helpers and an objet-oriented PHP abstraction to the Google Maps API to ease the process of adding a Google Map and customising it in your symfony projects.
theodo / sfEasyGMapPlugin
Forked from fabriceb/sfEasyGMapPluginThe sfEasyGMap plugin provides helpers and an objet-oriented PHP abstraction to the Google Maps API to ease the process of adding a Google Map and customising it in your symfony projects.
benja-M-1 / symfony-sandbox
Forked from PhilJ/symfony-sandboxThe Symfony 2 Sandbox
benja-M-1 / symfony
Forked from symfony/symfonyThe Symfony2 PHP framework (PHP 5.3 only -- not yet stable) -- documentation for master is at http://docs.symfony-reloaded.org/master/
fabriceb / symfttpd
Forked from laurentb/symfttpdsymfttpd is a set of tools to use symfony and lighttpd together, aimed at lazy developers and sysadmins
Provides user management for your Symfony project. Compatible with Doctrine ORM & ODM, and custom storages.
Easily create Sitemaps for symfony
A Facebook Connect plugin for symfony that lets you add easily Facebook connect to your symfony website and/or develop IFrame-FBML agnostic Facebook applications