issues Search Results · repo:benoitvallon/react-native-nw-react-calculator language:JavaScript
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inbenoitvallon/react-native-nw-react-calculator (press backspace or delete to remove)lakshmajee
- Opened on Feb 10, 2021
- #59
I am unable to create an equation which involves more than one operator. When I type 3+3, then click * to try to
do 3+3*3, it just replaces the + with a . Making the equation 33 and giving me the answer ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 19, 2018
- #45
This is such a powerful project, it really doesn t make sense for hundreds of developers to try and individually fix all
the errors in bringing this to 2018. Are there any up-to-date alternatives?
- 2
- Opened on May 23, 2018
- #44
ReactNativeNWReactCalculator@1.0.0 start /Users/zjh-mac/Documents/react/react-native-nw-react-calculator-master node
node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start
┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 14, 2018
- #43
I think this demo should use redux instead of flux,since redux is simplify the design
- 2
- Opened on Mar 26, 2018
- #42
- 2
- Opened on Nov 8, 2017
- #39
Hi Benoit, I am trying to reuse parts of your solution to add adroid app to the web app. I have created different entry
point for android, but do not understand how the built bundle is used later to create ...
- Opened on Oct 22, 2017
- #37
Followed every step of instruction but can not run the app in xcode
Xcode version: 8.3.3 npm version: 5.3.0 node version: 8.4.0
- 1
- Opened on Sep 6, 2017
- #36
Hi, I managed to successfully run the demo using electron but not with react-native on Android. Here s what I get when
trying with react-native run-android
╭─reis@Asakura ~/Documents/Testcode/react-native-nw-react-calculator ...
- 6
- Opened on Jul 6, 2017
- #35

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