- Neovim: >= 0.10.3 (built with LuaJIT).
- Git: >= 2.19.0 (supports partial clones).
- A Nerd Font (v3.0 or greater): Optional, but necessary for some icons.
- A Vim vundle
- A C compiler for
. See nvim-treesitter requirements. - Telescope.nvim dependencies (optional):
- A terminal supporting true color and undercurl:
- nekonight: My custom colorscheme.
- YouCompleteMe: Autocompletion and code navigation.
- npm: Required for vim-prettier.
- fzf: Required for vim config
I’m a Brazilian full stack dev, I’m a lua language enthusiast, addicted to neovim/vim and its entire ecosystem, proficient in c, javascript and lua. I like writing about programming and I’m quite curious!
See more about my career on my blog, it's an extension of my brain, everything I learn new I post there.