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Clojars Project

rebel-readline-nrepl is a Clojure library that brings the flexibility of Rebel Readline to your terminal as an nREPL (Network REPL) client.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:


As a Clojure Tool

  1. Add rebel-readline-nrepl to your ./clojure/deps.edn file under aliases:

      :aliases {
        :nrebel {
          :extra-deps {com.bhauman/rebel-readline-nrepl {:mvn/version "0.1.5"}}
          :exec-fn rebel-readline.nrepl/connect
          :exec-args {:background-print false} ;; Optional configuration parameters
          :main-opts ["-m" "rebel-readline.nrepl.main"]
  2. Launch it via the command line:

    clojure -T:nrebel :port <50668> 

Alternative Installation Method

You can also install rebel-readline-nrepl as a Clojure Tool with the following command:

clojure -Ttools install-latest :lib com.github.bhauman/rebel-readline :coord '{:deps/root "rebel-readline-nrepl"}' :as nrebel

Call it with:

clojure -Tnrebel connect :port <50668>


Starting an nREPL Server

To get started, you need an nREPL server. You can spin up a basic nREPL server by executing:

clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {nrepl/nrepl {:mvn/version "1.3.1"}}}' -M -m nrepl.cmdline --port 7888

This command starts an nREPL server and outputs the port it is listening on. Usually, you set up the nREPL server as part of your Clojure project. Refer to the nREPL server documentation for additional instructions.

Connecting to the nREPL Server

Once the nREPL server is running, you can connect to it using rebel-readline-nrepl.If you installed rebel-readline-nrepl in your .clojure/deps.edn as above hten you can run:

clojure -T:nrebel :port 7888

To specify the host (default is localhost):

clojure -T:nrebel :host localhost :port 7888

If you installed it as a Clojure Tool, connect like so:

clojure -Tnrebel connect :host localhost :port 7888

Alternatively, if it's in your classpath you can invoke it directly:

clojure -m rebel-readline.nrepl.main --host localhost --port 7888

Integrating with Your Project

To include rebel-readline-nrepl in your project directly, add it to your deps.edn file:

  {:extra-deps {com.bhauman/rebel-readline-nrepl {:mvn/version "NOT-PUBLISHED-YET"}}
   :exec-fn rebel-readline.nrepl/connect
   :exec-args {:host "localhost" :port 7888}}}}

You can execute it with:

clojure -T:nrebelly

TLS Support

For secure connections, refer to the nREPL TLS documentation for steps on generating keys and starting a TLS-enabled nREPL server.

Connect over TLS by specifying the TLS key file:

clojure -T:nrebel :port 50668 :tls-key-file '"client.keys"'

Configuration Parameters

rebel-readline-nrepl supports specific configuration options:

  • :port - Required port number for the nREPL server.
  • :host - Optional; defaults to localhost.
  • :tls-key-file - Path to the TLS key file.
  • :background-print - Boolean indicating whether to allow background threads to continue printing.

For configuration details, refer back to the Rebel Readline documentation here.


Copyright © 2023 Bruce Hauman

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.