Clojure script implementation of the yome-widget.
Requires: Leiningen:
Developement: Fork bhauman/yome-widget project into own git account (on
Clone forked yome-widget: git clone Insert github username in path
Add upstream remote: cd yome-widget/ git remote add upstream
Update forked repository: git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master
Run Leiningin Figwheel in yome-widget directory: lein figwheel
Wait for "Prompt will show when figwheel connects to your application"
Open Browser to http://localhost:3449 -port 3449 is default, which is set in project.clj under :figwheel :server-port tag
Open ./yome-widget/src/yome/core.cljs in your preferred editor
Save edits, and they will display in the browser window automagically.
Update Master Node with Changes: Merge Git Repositories: git add . git commit -m "Descriptive Comment about changes" git push original master
Request Pull: Go to forked repository in Set Branch to master Click "New Pull Request Button" Review Changes Click Create Pull Request
To Deploy: Compile yome.js: Run lein figwheel
Connect to localhost:3449 (this is just to get the REPL prompt
At cljs.user=> prompt type:
(build-once min)
exit REPL (^C)
An alternative to the previous sequence is to use the command-line:
lein cljsbuild once min
Merge Git Repositories: copy /yome-widget/resources/public/js/compiled/yome.js to github fork This should be placed under the gh-pages branch in the javascripts folder.
Request Pull (see above)