figwheel.tools Public archive
nREPL support for ClojureScript
simple-lein-profile-merge Public
A simple Clojure library to help fetch configuration information from your project.clj without needing to load Leiningen.
dotsters Public
A game implemented in ClojureScript with the core.async library.
sonic-cljs Public
Using ClojureScript, Tone.js and React to make a declarative live coding library
javascript_yome_widget Public
A JavaScript Yome widget written for a blog post.
metacircular Public
interuptable metacircular interpreter with first class macros
frontier Public
functional front end web dev - WIP
nextpress Public
A jekyl like static site generator that runs in the browser and uses AWS S3
moriscore Public archive
Giving mori.js underscore like usage patterns.
leaves-client Public archive
This is an experimental client for an immutable JSON document service
async-explore Public
Exploring how core async interfaces with the daily grind of web dev.
cohortly Public archive
Cohort analysis engine for Rails utilizing mongodb and map reduce
font_squirreler Public
A thor script to squirrel away some fontsquirrel.com webfonts locally or on s3.
4 UpdatedOct 5, 2010 -
jspec-rails Public
Javascript BDD integration for Ruby on Rails