Bash scripts to universally deploy various distributions
An asynchronous progressbar for shell scripts
🐧 Linux教程,主要内容:Linux 命令、Linux 系统运维、软件运维、精选常用Shell脚本
Using SQL's Turing Completeness to Build Tetris
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Tools and scripts for Google Compute Engine images.
Webapp for looking at and searching through files and streams
[MIRROR] Alpine configuration management scripts
Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue)
Reinstall Any OpenVZ/LXC VPS to Debian/CentOS/Alpine
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Development repository for nginx-more package
Bluetooth audio playback (A2DP Sink) connector for Windows 10 2004+
在Nginx官方RPM仓库的基础上额外添加TLS 1.3协议及brotli压缩算法支持,由Fedora Copr自动构建完成。
Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
以 V2Ray(v4 版) 或 Xray、Nginx 或 Caddy(v2 版)、Hysteria 等打造常用科学上网的优化配置及最优组合示例,且提供集成特定插件的 Caddy(v2 版) 文件,分享给大家食用及自己备份。