Iterate through .sql files inside a folder using the psql command.
The main purpose of this action is to apply SQL file(s) to initialize the Postgres database in an automated way, right after creating it using our own Deploy RDS GitHub Action
If you would like to deploy a backend app/service, check out our other actions:
Action | Purpose |
Deploy Docker to EC2 | Deploys a repo with a Dockerized application to a virtual machine (EC2) on AWS |
Deploy React to GitHub Pages | Builds and deploys a React application to GitHub Pages. |
Deploy static site to AWS (S3/CDN/R53) | Hosts a static site in AWS S3 with CloudFront |
And more!, check our list of actions in the GitHub marketplace
This project is supported by Bitovi, A DevOps consultancy. You can get help or ask questions on our:
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- An AWS account and Access Keys
- The following secrets should be added to your GitHub actions secrets:
- A Postgres Database. Could use This deploy RDS GitHub Action to create one and store the secrets in AWS Secrets Manager.
Create a Github Action Workflow .github/workflow/deploy-ghr.yaml
with the following to build on push to the main
name: Initialize DB
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Or self-hosted
- name: Initialize RDS Postgres DB
uses: bitovi/github-actions-apply-sql-scripts-to-postgres@v0
aws_access_key_id: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
aws_secret_access_key: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
aws_default_region: us-east-1
aws_secret_name: some-secret-name-to-read-data-from
sql_scripts_path: sql-files # (This is the folder in your repo. Leave empty for root.)
dry_run: false # Defaults to true, set it to false to run
Setting the variable aws_secret_name
will fetch a secret from AWS. We expect to find DB_HOST DB_USER DB_NAME DB_PORT DB_PASSWORD and DB_NAME.
Still in the works, the possibility to override those using the variables with the same name.
The following inputs can be used as steps.with
Name | Type | Description |
checkout |
Boolean | Set to false if the code is already checked out. (Default is true ). |
sql_scripts_path |
String | Path containing the sql files. If none defined, will look for files in the root folder. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_access_key_id |
String | AWS access key ID |
aws_secret_access_key |
String | AWS secret access key |
aws_default_region |
String | AWS default region. Defaults to us-east-1 |
aws_role_to_assume |
String | AWS Role to assume. Default is empty. |
Name | Type | Description |
aws_secret_name |
String | AWS Secrets Manager secret name to pull database variables from. |
db_host |
String | Database hostname to connect to. Should be publicly accessible if not running in a self-hosted GH Runner.` |
db_port |
String | Database port to connect to. |
db_name |
String | Define the database name to use. |
db_username |
String | Defines the username to use for connecting to the database. |
db_password |
String | Defines the password to use for connecting to the database. |
sql_connection_string |
String | Defaults to PGPASSWORD=${DB_PASSWORD} /usr/bin/psql -h ${DB_HOST} -p ${DB_PORT} -U ${DB_USER} -d ${DB_NAME} . |
dry_run |
Boolean | Echo the commands to be executed and does nothing to the database. Will test connection by listing the DB's. (So carefull with the sql_connection_string . Defaults to true . |
We would love for you to contribute to bitovi/github-actions-deploy-github-runner-to-ec2. Would you like to see additional features? Create an issue or a Pull Requests. We love discussing solutions!
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.