I'm Ibrahim H. from Algiers/Algeria, currently working CTO & Co-Founder of CorpoSense, we're working on different projects: ERP, Data Science, Blockchain...
- 📫 How to reach me: bitsnaps(a)yahoo.com
I'm Ibrahim H. from Algiers/Algeria, currently working CTO & Co-Founder of CorpoSense, we're working on different projects: ERP, Data Science, Blockchain...
The Official Puter Command Line Interface (CLI)
Simple Java example for CRUD operations with Micronaut
A curated list of Micronaut framework, libraries and tools for the Java, Groovy, Kotlin programming language related to Micronaut.
Forked from yusufcakal/RestaurantApp
Android Restaurant Application with QR Code Reader
PHP class for full AJAX CRUD operations on jQueryBootGrid and Bootstrap3.