This project showcases how to set up Microcks, as a way to create local environments for Spring Boot applications accessing mocked downstream services.
Having Docker installed, you can run the following commands to start Microcks mocks of the downstream dependencies, as well as the demo service itself(home-screen-bff).
# on the root folder of the project
./gradlew clean build
docker compose up -d
./gradlew :services:home-screen-bff:bootRun
One can also start both directly from IntelliJ IDEA, if you have the plugins for Docker and Spring Boot installed.
Then you can access the application via gRPC using a client of your preference, such as grpcurl.
grpcurl --plaintext \
--proto ./libs/home-screen-bff-protos/src/main/resources/com/bitso/demo/home/v1/home_screen_bff_v1.proto \
-d '{"payload": {"user_id": "1234"}}' \
localhost:8201 com.bitso.demo.home.v1.HomeScreenBffV1/Summary
Send "user_id": "123"
if you want to simulate an error on a downstream service.
The mock configurations are available on /services/home-screen-bff/src/test/resources/microcks
Once the container is running, Microcks' admin UI can be accessed through http://localhost:9081/#/.
gRPC port is 9201, and one can verify the mock responses executing the following commands from the root folder of the
grpcurl --plaintext \
--proto ./libs/balance-service-protos/src/main/resources/com/bitso/demo/balance/v1/balance_service_v1.proto \
-d '{"payload": {"user_id": "1234"}}' \
localhost:9201 com.bitso.demo.balance.v1.BalanceServiceV1/Get
grpcurl --plaintext \
--proto ./libs/trade-service-protos/src/main/resources/com/bitso/demo/trade/v1/trade_service_v1.proto \
-d '{"payload": {"from_value": "1234", "from_asset": "BTC", "to_asset": "MXN"}}' \