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-Vigen-re-Cipher-in-Python Public
The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, meaning it uses multiple substitution alphabets to encrypt the text. It is an improvement over simpler ciphers like the Caesar cipher an…
Python UpdatedFeb 8, 2025 -
The Vigenère cipher is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, meaning it uses multiple substitution alphabets to encrypt the text. It is an improvement over simpler ciphers like the Caesar cipher an…
Shell UpdatedFeb 8, 2025 -
In Bash, can use the openssl command-line tool to perform AES encryption and decryption. This tool supports various encryption algorithms, including AES, and allows you to encrypt and decrypt files…
Shell UpdatedFeb 6, 2025 -
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a widely used and secure symmetric encryption algorithm. In Python, you can implement AES encryption and decryption using the pycryptodome library, which provi…
Python UpdatedFeb 6, 2025 -
simple implementation of RSA encryption and decryption in a Bash script. Since Bash is not designed for complex mathematical operations, this script uses external tools like bc (a command-line calc…
Shell UpdatedFeb 4, 2025 -
Python script that demonstrates how to implement RSA encryption and decryption. This script generates public and private keys, encrypts a message using the public key, and decrypts it using the pri…
Python UpdatedFeb 4, 2025 -
Creating a Playfair cipher in Bash is more challenging compared to Python due to the lack of advanced string manipulation and data structures in Bash. However, it is possible to implement a simplif…
Shell UpdatedFeb 3, 2025 -
The Playfair cipher is a digraph substitution cipher that encrypts pairs of letters. To use it, you first create a 5x5 table based on a secret keyword. Below is a Python implementation of the Playf…
Python UpdatedFeb 3, 2025 -
The monoalphabetic substitution cipher replaces each letter in the plaintext with a corresponding letter from a substitution key. The key is a permutation of the alphabet, where each letter maps un…
Shell UpdatedFeb 1, 2025 -
The monoalphabetic substitution cipher is a simple encryption method where each letter in the plaintext is replaced with another letter according to a fixed substitution key. The key is a permutati…
Python UpdatedFeb 1, 2025 -
caesar-cipher-in-bash Public
Bash Script for Caesar Cipher Encryption. Below is an example of a Bash script that implements a simple Caesar cipher for encrypting text. The Caesar cipher shifts each letter in the input text by …
Shell UpdatedJan 31, 2025 -
caesar-cipher-in-python Public
Python script that demonstrates a simple encryption method using the Caesar cipher. The Caesar cipher is a basic encryption technique where each letter in the text is shifted by a fixed number of p…
Python UpdatedJan 31, 2025 -
Northwind-Database Public
a sample database that is often used for learning and testing
UpdatedJan 30, 2025 -