$ brew install blacktop/tap/graboid
Download from releases
This project was created for people whom can't install docker on their desktops, but still need to be able to download docker images from DockerHUB and then transfer them to another machine running docker.
$ graboid --help
Docker Image Downloader
graboid [flags]
graboid [command]
Available Commands:
extract Extract files from image
help Help about any command
tags List image tags
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.graboid.yaml)
-h, --help help for graboid
--index string override index endpoint (default "https://index.docker.io")
--insecure do not verify ssl certs
--proxy string HTTP/HTTPS proxy
--registry string override registry endpoint
-V, --verbose verbose output
Use "graboid [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ graboid tags blacktop/scifgif
β’ Querying Registry image=blacktop/scifgif
β’ Tags:
β’ 0.2.0
β’ 0.3.0
β’ 1.0
β’ latest
$ graboid blacktop/scifgif:latest
Import image into docker
$ docker load -i blacktop_scifgif.tar.gz
$ graboid --proxy http://proxy.org:[PORT] blacktop/scifgif:latest
$ graboid extract blacktop_ghidra_beta.tar.gz
NOTE: Press
to expand a layer and press<space>
to extract file
- parallelize the layer downloads to decrease the total time to download large images
- add image signature verification (Notary?)
- ensure support for long connections for large downloads
Find a bug? Want more features? Find something missing in the documentation? Let me know! Please don't hesitate to file an issue
MIT Copyright (c) 2017-2021 blacktop