I make stuff in Vue, JS, Node, and more recently, Golang. I love writing fancy CSS and crafting UX that strikes a balance between utility and fun. I'm also a big fan of GreenSock and anime.js.
You can see some of my work over at CodePen.
Uses | Journal | Work | Resume
- Go Lava - Learning experiment inspired by LavaRand
- DEMIGODS (in Golang!) — A fun experiment and my first foray into Go. Hosted as a Vercel Edge Function
- DEMIGODS — An Elden Ring weapons data API. Built in Node and Express and hosted as a Vercel Edge Function
- DEMIGODS | An Elden Ring API (Ko-fi post)
- Eldensearch - A search tool built with Vue and Vite that leverages the DEMIGODS API
- InsightBot - A chat bot that replies to reddit comments and posts using OpenAI, Python, and PRAW
- Breaking Changes NEW
- content-visibility Overflow Bug
- From VSCode to Panic Nova
- SalesForce Pardot Form Handling With Vue.js
- Rapid Prototyping With Vue CLI 3