Fasten securely connects your healthcare providers together, creating a personal health record that never leaves your hands
NOTE: Fasten is a Work-in-Progress and can only communicate with a limited number of Healthcare Instutions (approx 2000 at last count). Please fill out this Google Form if you'd like to be kept up-to-date on Fasten
Like many of you, I've worked for many companies over my career. In that time, I've had multiple health, vision and dental insurance providers, and visited many different clinics, hospitals and labs to get procedures & tests done.
Recently I had a semi-serious medical issue, and I realized that my medical history (and the medical history of my family members) is a lot more complicated than I realized and distributed across the many healthcare providers I've used over the years. I wanted a single (private) location to store our medical records, and I just couldn't find any software that worked as I'd like:
- self-hosted/offline - this is my medical history, I'm not willing to give it to some random multi-national corporation to data-mine and sell
- It should aggregate my data from multiple healthcare providers (insurance companies, hospital networks, clinics, labs) across multiple industries (vision, dental, medical) -- all in one dashboard
- automatic - it should pull my EMR (electronic medical record) directly from my insurance provider/clinic/hospital network - I dont want to scan/OCR physical documents (unless I have to)
- open source - the code should be available for contributions & auditing
So, I built it
Fasten is an open-source, self-hosted, personal/family electronic medical record aggregator, designed to integrate with 1000's of insurances/hospitals/clinics
Here's a couple of screenshots that'll give you an idea of what it looks like:
It's pretty basic right now, but it's designed with a easily extensible core around a solid foundation:
- Self-hosted
- Designed for families, not Clinics (unlike OpenEMR and other popular EMR systems)
- Supports the Medical industry's (semi-standard) FHIR protocol
- Uses OAuth2 (Smart-on-FHIR) authentication (no passwords necessary)
- Uses OAuth's
scope (where possible) to automatically pull changes/updates - Multi-user support for household/family use
- (Future) Dashboards & tracking for diagnostic tests
- (Future) Integration with smart-devices & wearables
There are 2 flavors of Fasten:
- This version only allows you to connect to a handful of Healthcare providers, using Sandbox accounts that are meant for testing, and contain synthetic(fake) data to give you an idea what Fasten will look like, without requiring personal medical
- This version allows you to connect to 650+ different Healthcare providers, using your existing accounts. It will allow you to connect and retrieve your personal electronic medical record and store it within Fasten. Be careful, this is YOUR health data
Run the following commands to download and start the Fasten docker container.
docker pull
docker run --rm -p 9090:8080
Next, open a browser to http://localhost:9090
At this point you'll be redirected to the login page.
Before you can use the Fasten BETA, you'll need to Create an Account.
It can be as simple as
- Username:
- Password:
If you're using the sandbox
version of Fasten, you'll only be able to connect to Sources using test credentials
See FAQs for common questions (& answers) regarding Fasten
Please see the for instructions for how to develop and contribute to the Fasten codebase.
Work your magic and then submit a pull request. We love pull requests!
If you find the documentation lacking, help us out and update this If you don't have the time to work on Fasten, but found something we should know about, please submit an issue.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Jason Kulatunga - Initial Development - @AnalogJ
- GPLv3
Fasten is only possible with the help of my Github Sponsors and Reddit supporters!
I'd also like to thank the following Corporate Sponsors: