- boazsender.com
JavaScript Library to Make Online Data Visualizations Accessible to Screen-Reader Users
Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption.
Javascript SDK for the Kairos Facial Recognition API. Use this to power your Facial Recognition Software.
A web application for crowdsourcing image annotations.
diffHTML is a web framework that helps you build applications and other interactive content
A Yeoman generator to author libraries in ES2015 (and beyond!) for Node and the browser.
A template engine that works the way you expect.
A network layer for HTML5 games using Node.js
JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
cconf / cconf.github.com
Forked from willwhite/longneckThe C Conference
Automatically import CSS into your JavaScript files.
boazsender / ObjectLateralJS
Forked from rwaldron/ObjectLateralJSObjectLateralJS
Phonegapp/Mulburry app for taking pictures of bob the rooster and uploading them to imgur.