save.nvim is a Neovim plugin that provides customize able actions triggered on the FocusLost
event. It allows users to cycle through predefined modes, each associated with a specific action to be executed when Neovim loses focus.
- Cycle through different modes with a single key mapping.
- Execute actions such as saving all modified buffers or repeating the last command when Neovim loses focus.
- Easily extendable to add custom actions.
- Neovim 0.5.0 or higher
Manual install
git clone ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/save/start
Install with lazy
'boorboor/save.nvim' -- Add to your plugin list
Setup with init.vim
lua << EOF
change_mode_mapping = '<F4>' -- Change to your preferred key mapping
Setup with init.lua
change_mode_mapping = '<F4>' -- Change to your preferred key mapping
The plugin comes with the following modes: no action: No action is taken when focus is lost. last command: Repeats the last command executed in Neovim. write all: Saves all modified buffers. write: Saves the current buffer if modified.
Press the change_mode_mapping key (default ) to cycle through the modes. The current mode is displayed in the command line.
To add custom modes, modify the modes table in the plugin's Lua file. Each mode should have a name and a cmd function that defines the action.
Contributions are welcome! If you have a bug report, feature request, or a pull request, please open an issue or submit a PR on GitHub.
save.nvim is released under the MIT License.