With Storybook for React Native you can design and develop individual React Native components without running your app.
This readme will be used for 6.0 documentation going forward, find the 5.3 readme here
The 6.0 alpha is out now 6.0.1-alpha.7
to try it out follow this guide (work in progress).
To try out the 6.0 alpha alongside react native web storybook you can use the expo template, see here for more info.
expo init --template expo-template-storybook AwesomeStorybook
For more information visit: storybook.js.org
are now on a different release cycle from the Storybook Core packages (@storybook/react
, etc.). The last stable version of@storybook/react-native
and it should be used with5.3
versions of Storybook Core.
To re-iterate storybook dependencies with a version 6.0 and higher are not supported by react native storybook yet.
Work on 6.0 is currently underway, if you want to help out or are just curious then check out the project board to see the open issues related to 6.0. If you want to work on something then assign it to yourself and drag the item to the doing column.
- π Getting Started
- π Making stories
- π On device Addons
- π± Other ways to render storybook
- π§ getStorybookUI Options
- π€ Contributing
To get started run this command from within the root of your react native app:
npx -p @storybook/cli sb init --type react_native
You'll be prompted asking if you want to install @storybook/react-native-server, you can safely choose not to install this now since you can add it later and its not required.
This command will setup most things for you, now you just need to add the following to your entrypoint (usually App.js or index.js).
export {default} from "./storybook";
The above steps use the storybook cli to install the most useful addons and creates a few example stories in a folder called storybook
All the config for storybook and the entrypoint also live in the storybook
folder by default.
If you prefer to set things up yourself you can follow the manual setup
If you're struggling check out this snack with a working example
The react native storybook is designed to be flexible so that you can navigate all your stories and use addons within the device ui, you also have the option to use the web ui via @storybook/react-native-server
if thats what you prefer.
The UI that allows you to navigate stories on the device is what we will call the "OnDeviceUI". When referring to features specific to this UI this term is used to distinguish it from the server ui.
The simplest type of story could look something like this
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react-native';
// I import the component I want to display here
import CustomButton from './CustomButton';
// here I define that I want to create stories with the label "Buttons",
// this will be the name in the storybook navigation
const buttonStories = storiesOf('Buttons', module);
// then I add a story with the name default view, I can add multiple stories to button stories
buttonStories.add('default view', () => (<CustomButton onPress={() => null} />));
You can then include addons such as action and knobs to make it more interactive.
The cli will install some basic addons for you such as knobs and actions. Ondevice addons are addons that can render with the device ui that you see on the phone.
Currently the addons available are:
- @storybook/addon-ondevice-knobs: adjust your components props in realtime
- @storybook/addon-ondevice-actions: mock onPress calls with actions that will log information in the actions tab
- @storybook/addon-ondevice-notes: Add some markdown to your stories to help document their usage
- @storybook/addon-ondevice-backgrounds: change the background of storybook to compare the look of your component against different backgrounds
Add each one you want to use to the rn-addons.js file in the storybook
import '@storybook/addon-ondevice-actions/register';
Make sure to import the rn-addons.js file in the storybook entrypoint (index.js in the storybook folder by default):
import './rn-addons';
Based on the previous example heres how you could extend it to use addons.
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react-native';
import CustomButton from './CustomButton';
import { View } from 'react-native';
// the action function has one argument which is the name of the action,
// this will be displayed in the actions tab in the addons panel
// action("name here")
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
// the boolean knob renders a switch which lets you toggle a value between true or false
// you call it like boolean("name here", default_value)
import { boolean, withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
const buttonStories = storiesOf('CustomButton', module);
// lets storybook know to show the knobs addon for this story
// I use to boolean knob to set the disabled prop based on the knob state
// I use the action function to log every time the button gets called
buttonStories.add('default view', () => (
<View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
<CustomButton onPress={action('Button Press!')} disabled={boolean('Disabled', false)} />
In the getting started guide we suggest that you override you change the default export to be the storybook UI, this might not be what you want depending on how you are using storybook.
There are a few options on how you can make the storybook render in your app so it's up to you to decide which works best for your project.
Using the approach from the getting started setup you can make an app that just displays your storybook and then you could use this app to share your component library. Then you can export all your components from somewhere within the project and use the project as a component library/package.
You could do something like this if you want to run storybook in dev mode and your app in release mode.
import StorybookUI from './storybook';
import App from './app';
module.exports = __DEV__ ? StorybookUI : App;
Or you could use some kind of setting/environment variable to define what renders.
Some have opted to toggle the storybook component by using a custom option in the react native developer menu.
An example of this can found in the ignite CLI boiler plate for storybook which you can see here
is a RN View
component that can be embedded anywhere in your RN application, e.g. on a tab or within an admin screen.
You could also create a separate app just for storybook that also works as a package for your visual components.
Storybook server is used to control the component visible on the device via a web ui. This is useful to control multiple devices at once and compare them at the same time.
Install the package
yarn yarn add @storybook/react-native-server
npm npm i --save @storybook/react-native-server
To run the server you can use yarn start-storybook
or add a script to your package.json like
"storybook": "start-storybook"
You can change "storybook" to any name you like.
This will open the server web client, you will need to open storybook on the device for the stories to appear in the sidebar.
To enable addons for react native server add a folder storybook/
in the root of the project with a addons.js file inside. The server will detect this file and import it. The file should contain the addon imports similar to the rn-addons.js file but using the regular storybook (for web) addons. For example:
// storybook/addons.js
If you get the error Can't resolve 'babel-loader'
install babel-loader from npm and it should fix it.
-h, --host <host>
host to listen on
-p, --port <port>
port to listen on
whether server is running on https
-c, --config-dir [dir-name]
storybook config directory
-e, --environment [environment]
DEVELOPMENT/PRODUCTION environment for webpack
-i, --manual-id
allow multiple users to work with same storybook
Exit after successful start
You can pass these parameters to getStorybookUI call in your storybook entry point:
asyncStorage: AsyncStorage (null)
-- module to persist state across reloads
onDeviceUI: Boolean (true)
-- display navigator and addons on the device
disableWebsockets: Boolean (false)
-- allows to display stories without running storybook server. Should be used with onDeviceUI
secured: Boolean (false)
-- use wss/https instead of ws/http
host: String (NativeModules.SourceCode.scriptURL)
-- host to use
port: Number (7007)
-- port to use
query: String ("")
-- additional query string to pass to websockets
isUIHidden: Boolean (false)
-- should the ui be closed initially.
tabOpen: Number (0)
-- which tab should be open. -1 Navigator, 0 Preview, 1 Addons
initialSelection: Object (null)
-- initialize storybook with a specific story. In case a valid object is passed, it will take precedence over `shouldPersistSelection. ex: `{ kind: 'Knobs', name: 'with knobs' }`
shouldPersistSelection: Boolean (true)
-- initialize storybook with the last selected story.
shouldDisableKeyboardAvoidingView: Boolean (false)
-- Disable KeyboardAvoidingView wrapping Storybook's view
keyboardAvoidingViewVerticalOffset: Number (0)
-- With shouldDisableKeyboardAvoidingView=true, this will set the keyboardverticaloffset (https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/keyboardavoidingview#keyboardverticaloffset) value for KeyboardAvoidingView wrapping Storybook's view
Note that intialSelection in 5.3 takes a string which corresponds to the storyID.
We welcome contributions to Storybook!
- π₯ Pull requests and π Stars are always welcome.
- Read our contributing guide to get started, or find us on Discord and look for the react-native channel.
Looking for a first issue to tackle?
- We tag issues with Good First Issue when we think they are well suited for people who are new to the codebase or OSS in general.
- Talk to us, we'll find something to suits your skills and learning interest.