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πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ”¬ github label manager cli

npm npm coveralls

Command line tool for managing issue labels across GitHub repositories.


πŸ“¦ Installation

Installation is optional, as you can run this package with npx.

npm install labman --global

πŸ₯‘ Usage

If you have labman installed globally you can run it as shown below.

labman --help

Alternatively, you can run it with npx.

npx labman --help

πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€πŸ« Commands


Validates and stores your GitHub personal access token.


Name Description Default
username GitHub username.
token GitHub personal access token with repo scope.
--force, -f Overwrite existing login. false


Login as bradgarropy with a personal access token.

labman login bradgarropy 123456

Login as gabygarropy, overwriting the bradgarropy login.

labman login gabygarropy 456789


Copies labels from one repository to another.

The source and destination can be provided in two ways.

  • owner/repo, like bradgarropy/labman-cli
  • repo, like labman-cli

If an owner is not specified, labman will assume the username you provided during login.

If labels is not provided, labman will copy all labels from source to destination.


Name Description Default
source GitHub repository.
destination GitHub repository.
labels Space separated list of label names to copy. []
--clobber, -c Remove all labels from destination before copying source labels. false


Copy all labels from bradgarropy/label-source to bradgarropy/label-destination.

labman bradgarropy/label-source bradgarropy/label-destination

Delete all labels from bradgarropy/label-destionation, then copy all labels from bradgarropy/label-source to bradgarropy/label-destination.

labman bradgarropy/label-source bradgarropy/label-destination --clobber

Copy only the bug and todo labels from bradgarropy/label-source to bradgarropy/label-destination.

labman bradgarropy/label-source bradgarropy/label-destination bug todo

Use the shorthand method for providing source and destination repositories.

labman login bradgarropy 123456
labman label-source label-destination


Removes your GitHub personal access token.


labman logout

❔ Questions

If you have any trouble, definitely open an issue and I'll take a look.

If all else fails, you can ask me directly on Twitter or my AMA.