issues Search Results · repo:braziljs/conf-boilerplate language:CSS
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inbraziljs/conf-boilerplate (press backspace or delete to remove)I like to change background color (and/or set an image).
I was not able to alter static/css/main.css to set background color. Changes had no effect ..
I tried to alter the following css classes
- ...
- Opened on May 29, 2024
- #180
No npm antes de rodar o app no ionic ele leu diretorios que eu nao queria linkar ao meu projeto. Dái nao estou
conseguindo achar o comando para utilizar o diretorio correto para o meu novo projeto.
- Opened on Aug 20, 2018
- #134
Google now requires a Google Maps JavaScript API Key :( Not a big deal to get one but without it the map will not work.
Thanks for this project, it s been a great help :)
- Opened on Jan 13, 2018
- #133
As a matter of UI, links leading to external resources such as sponsor/partner website, event ticketing system, and also
the links pointing to this GitHub repository (fork and footer) should all open their ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 22, 2016
- #127
Is it really necessary to build out at that version anymore? I can simply create a PR removing it so PR s stop failing
- 4
- Opened on Apr 21, 2016
- #126
Hi guys,
I m not findind on source code. README s project tells me to run it to publish to GithubPages.
Where is this file?
- 2
- Opened on Jun 16, 2015
- #120
Pessoal, semelhante a issue, tive problemas com a classe
sponsor-logo no chrome com a extensão Adblock Plus 1.8.12 e no firefox com a Adblock Plus ...
- 4
- Opened on Jun 4, 2015
- #119
DocPad made us possible to build an amazing project that helped many many events around the world.
It proved that a static generator can increase a developer s productivity when building small to complex ...
- 29
- Opened on Feb 27, 2015
- #109
I want to let you know that i ve developed of an event site with Conf Boilerplate:
Name: URL:
- 1
- Opened on Sep 6, 2014
- #104
Pessoal, estava analisando a utilização do conf-boilerplate, e me deparei com o seguinte problema: Não existe uma forma
de criar uma conferência que dure mais de um dia. Algo como: Dia 1: 9h00 - Talk A ...
- 5
- Opened on Jul 31, 2014
- #103

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