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- Blog (latest post published on 2025-01-23)
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- Bluesky (with 3,394 followers)
Last updated 2025-03-03.
Over the past 21 years, I have made some commit to 278 projects (some of which are my own).
(Grouped by commit count.)
β₯ 103
β₯ 102
- python/peps
- microsoft/vscode-python
- brettcannon/python-launcher
- brettcannon/caniusepython3
- microsoft/vscode-jupyter
- python/devguide
- microsoft/Pyjion
- gidgethub/gidgethub
- brettcannon/oplop
- brettcannon/desugar
- brettcannon/dotconfig
- python/the-knights-who-say-ni
- brettcannon/free-labour
- brettcannon/travelbrag
- brettcannon/dotfiles
- pypa/packaging
- Which-Film/which-film.info
β₯ 101
- microsoft/pvscbot
- brettcannon/mousebender
- python/importlib_resources
- PyCQA/modernize
- brettcannon/release-often
- python/bedevere
- python/devinabox
- brettcannon/WWBD
- brettcannon/trips-history
- brettcannon/microvenv
- brettcannon/pep425
- brettcannon/check-for-changed-files
- brettcannon/py-pip
- brettcannon/stdlib-stats
- brettcannon/python-azure-web-app-cookiecutter
- brettcannon/cpython-wasi-build
- brettcannon/mnfy
- microsoft/vscode-docs-archive
- dabeaz/curio
- brettcannon/sans-io
- microsoft/vscode-docs
- brettcannon/modutil
- pypa/packaging.python.org
- brettcannon/time-clock
- elixir-lang/elixir-lang.github.com
- brettcannon/riscv-harmony
- brettcannon/flatten_filenames
- brettcannon/find-duplicate-files
- uranusjr/packaging-metadata-comparisons
- brettcannon/basicenum
- angular/angular.js
- pypa/setuptools
- python-trio/trio
- dusty-phillips/rescript-zora
- python/core-workflow
- microsoft/vscode-dev-containers
- Azure-Samples/Azure-MachineLearning-DataScience
- microsoft/vscode-python-devicesimulator
- brettcannon/pip-secure-install
- brettcannon/record-type
- Azure/msrest-for-python
- Azure/msrestazure-for-python
- python-hyper/uritemplate
- benjaminp/six
- emmatyping/python-wasm
- pypa/distutils
- microsoft/TypeScript-Handbook
- brettcannon/defy-layout-scorer
- python/buildmaster-config
- orsenthil/cpython-hg-to-git
- python-hglib
β₯ 100
- JuliaLang/julia
- python3statement/python3statement.github.io
- python/steering-council
- brettcannon/importlib
- dusty-phillips/match-variant
- brettcannon/choose-a-font.dev
- brettcannon/nowhere-on-the-web
- eclipse-archived/ceylon-lang.org
- lustre-labs/lustre
- microsoft/vscode-telemetry-extractor
- python/blurb
- microsoft/vscode-anaconda-extension-pack
- rescript-lang/rescript-lang.org
- beeware/toga
- python/cherry-picker
- Azure/azure-sdk-for-python
- brettcannon/vscode-zephyr-asdl
- brettcannon/porting-to-python-3-notebook
- python/planet
- python/typeshed
- microsoft/vscode
- rust-lang/rust
- micktwomey/pyiso8601
- WebAssembly/design
- aosabook/500lines
- github/gitignore
- Homebrew/legacy-homebrew
- openlawlibrary/pygls
- square/dagger
- pypa/pipenv
- cookiecutter/cookiecutter
- Homebrew/homebrew-core
- dotnet/docs
- jazzband/pip-tools
- brettcannon/cpython-wasi-buildbot
- python/psf-salt
- thechangelog/show-notes
- inko-lang/inko
- micropython/micropython
- vstinner/misc
- microsoft/vscode-wiki
- badges/shields
- Mariatta/github-bot-tutorial
- aio-libs/aiohttp
- python-hyper/h2
- rustwasm/book
- microsoft/language-server-protocol
- MPOS/php-mpos
- beeware/liquid-demo
- WebAssembly/wasi-sdk
- gleam-lang/language-tour
- pypa/flit
- python/python-docs-theme
- ponylang/pony-tutorial
- progit/progit2
- matplotlib/matplotlib
- MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docs
- bytecodealliance/wasmtime
- python/core-sprint
- pyscript/pyscript
- dabeaz/ply
- sarugaku/resolvelib
- riverscuomo/apps
- kushaldas/pep582
- python/pythonineducation.org
- bloodyowl/rescript-test
- python/pyperformance
- microsoft/sql-server-samples
- microsoft/TypeScript-wiki
- asyncio-docs/asyncio-doc
- conda/ceps
- jaraco/skeleton
- python/typing
- conda/conda
- MeeseeksBox/meeseeksbox.github.io
- microsoftarchive/msgraph-sdk-python
- moby/mobywebsite
- vibora-io/vibora
- larryhastings/appeal
- buildout/buildout
- kushaldas/pym
- microsoft/vscode-isort
- astral-sh/ruff
- microsoft/vscode-docker
- Django
- score-spec/spec
- rust-lang/log
- conda/conda-build
- python/mypy
- facebook/pyre-check
- Fyrd/caniuse
- brettcannon/character-frequency
- MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs
- pyvideo/old-pyvideo
- pypa/build
- gleam-lang/gleam
- pypa/setuptools-scm
- devcontainers/features
- spotify/pedalboard
- sphinx-doc/sphinx
- dusty-phillips/macabre
- starship/starship
- briandealwis/ferret
- vscode-restructuredtext/vscode-restructuredtext
- microsoft/vscode-extension-samples
- rocketreach/rocketreach_python
- stellar/new-docs
- Devid-Ba/Text-adventure
- python/importlib_metadata
- microsoft/vscode-pylint
- cometkim/rescript-vitest
- google/yapf
- VSCodeVim/Vim
- vega/ipyvega
- microsoftgraph/python-sample-pagination
- Azure/azure-cosmos-python
- psf/fundable-packaging-improvements
- lorenzofox3/zora
- Lukasa/language-restructuredtext
- psf/webassembly
- zwaldowski/match-label-action
- bungcip/better-toml
- riverscuomo/new-albums
- regebro/supporting-python-3
- stellar-deprecated/docs
- gleam-lang/otp
- gleam-lang/website
- microsoft/vscode-tools-for-ai
- syl20bnr/spacemacs
- rust-lang/rustfmt
- jupyter/jupyter.github.io
- chhantyal/py3readiness
- saschpe/mozilla-plugins
- kushaldas/asaman
- pyvideo/data
- victor-o-silva/python-links-from-link-header
- mesonbuild/meson
- ericpalakovichcarr/pytest-pythonpath
- actions-rs/install
- ansible/ansible
- pycascades/welcome-wagon-2018
- astral-sh/uv
- bagder/http2-explained
- microsoft/az-partner-center-cli
- python/pythontestdotnet
- pytest-dev/pytest
- Azure/azure-functions-python-library
- golang/go
- jupyter-book/mystmd.org
- cardoe/stderrlog-rs
- extism/extism
- topazproject/topaz
- absurdia/absurdia-py
- okken/pytest-srcpaths
- PyCQA/pyflakes
- wntrblm/nox
- livebook-dev/livebook
- lustre-labs/ui
- markshannon/faster-cpython
- pdm-project/pdm
- 11ty/11ty-website
- twisted/klein
- Azure/azure-cli
- psf/black
- scikit-learn/scikit-learn
- mozilla-services/konfig
- microsoft/PTVS
- oauthlib/oauthlib
- jupyter/notebook
- Homebrew/brew
- google/grumpy
- pypi/warehouse
- w3c/ServiceWorker
- pyca/pyopenssl
- adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_CircuitPlayground
- nayafia/nayafia
- python-poetry/tomlkit
- diogonfs/pyinit
- stellar/awesome-stellar
- jupyterlab/jupyterlab
- Enderchief/gleam-tools
- getsentry/responses
- conda/conda-docs
- ebkalderon/tower-lsp
- casey/just
- microsoft/python-sample-vscode-django-tutorial
- microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs-contrib
- palantir/python-language-server
- pypa/pipx
- aurelia/documentation
- pypa/trove-classifiers
- gitkraken/vscode-gitlens
- microsoft/debugpy
- pablogsal/cpython_leaderboard
- GraphQLGuide/book
- bitbldr/sprocket_docs
- MagicStack/MagicPython
- realpython/python-guide
- devcontainers/images
- clearlydefined/website
- riscv-software-src/riscv-tests
- luabud/hello-vscodespaces
- WebAssembly/component-model
- hynek/build-and-inspect-python-package
- PyPy
- defusedexpat
- expat
- Mercurial
- vim
I have (co-)authored 32 PEPs (5th most prolific).
(Listed from oldest to newest, although I may have become a co-author post-creation.)
# | Title | Status | Co-authors |
4 | Deprecation of Standard Modules | π | Martin von LΓΆwis |
2 | Procedure for Adding New Modules | π | Martijn Faassen |
11 | CPython platform support | π | Martin von LΓΆwis |
12 | Sample reStructuredText PEP Template | π | David Goodger, Barry Warsaw |
3100 | Miscellaneous Python 3.0 Plans | β | |
339 | Design of the CPython Compiler | π€¦ | |
348 | Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0 | β | |
352 | Required Superclass for Exceptions | β | Guido van Rossum |
360 | Externally Maintained Packages | β | |
362 | Function Signature Object | β | Jiwon Seo, Yury Selivanov, Larry Hastings |
3108 | Standard Library Reorganization | β | |
3113 | Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking | β | |
3122 | Delineation of the main module | β | |
374 | Choosing a distributed VCS for the Python project | β | Stephen J. Turnbull, Alexandre Vassalotti, Barry Warsaw, Dirkjan Ochtman |
401 | BDFL Retirement | β | Barry Warsaw |
3003 | Python Language Moratorium | β | Jesse Noller, Guido van Rossum |
399 | Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements | β | |
512 | Migrating from hg.python.org to GitHub | β | |
488 | Elimination of PYO files | β | |
518 | Specifying Minimum Build System Requirements for Python Projects | β | Nathaniel J. Smith, Donald Stufft |
519 | Adding a file system path protocol | β | Koos Zevenhoven |
523 | Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython | β | Dino Viehland |
8001 | Python Governance Voting Process | β | Christian Heimes, Donald Stufft, Eric Snow, Gregory P. Smith, Εukasz Langa, Mariatta, Nathaniel J. Smith, Pablo Galindo Salgado, Raymond Hettinger, Tal Einat, Tim Peters, Zachary Ware |
594 | Removing dead batteries from the standard library | β | Christian Heimes |
621 | Storing project metadata in pyproject.toml | β | Dustin Ingram, Paul Ganssle, Pradyun Gedam, SΓ©bastien Eustace, Thomas Kluyver, Tzu-ping Chung |
650 | Specifying Installer Requirements for Python Projects | π€¦ | Vikram Jayanthi, Dustin Ingram |
641 | Using an underscore in the version portion of Python 3.10 compatibility tags | β | Steve Dower, Barry Warsaw |
665 | A file format to list Python dependencies for reproducibility of an application | β | Pradyun Gedam, Tzu-ping Chung |
685 | Comparison of extra names for optional distribution dependencies | π | |
751 | A file format to record Python dependencies for installation reproducibility | β | |
758 | Allow ``except`` and ``except*`` expressions without parentheses | β | Pablo Galindo |
760 | No More Bare Excepts | π€¦ | Pablo Galindo |
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune