node.js JavaScript client to communicate with an __A__sterisk __M__anager __I__nterface
npm install ami
var Client = require('ami').Client;
var port = 5038; //default AMI port
var host = 'localhost';
var client = new Client();
//connect to AMI server
client.connect(port, host, function onConnection(err) {
if(err) throw err;
//create the login action (plain javascript object)
var login = {
action: 'login',
username: 'brian',
secret: 'shhh!'
//send the action to asterisk and handle the response
client.send(login, function(err, response) {
//subscribe to all AMI messages (responses and events)
client.on('message', function(msg) {
//message will be plain javascript object
//in the case of our login response message:
assert.equal(msg.actionID, '0');
assert.equal(msg.response, 'Success');
assert.equal(msg.message, 'Authentication accepted');
Very much a work in progress. Would love contributions.
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