qiemem / eurorack
Forked from joeSeggiola/eurorackFirmware customization for Mutable Instruments' Eurorack Modules.
Schoonology / stepdown
Forked from CrabDude/stepupAn async control-flow library that makes stepping through logic easy.
goodybag / node-sql
Forked from brianc/node-sqlSQL generation for node.js
brianc / pop
Forked from alexyoung/popA static site and blog generator
booo / node-postgres
Forked from brianc/node-postgresNon-blocking PostgreSQL client for node.js. Pure JavaScript and native libpq bindings.
brianc / js-mask
Forked from tyok/js-maskMore concise JavaScript using Vim's "conceal" feature
brianc / node-pool
Forked from coopernurse/node-poolGeneric resource pooling for node.js
brianc / snipmate.vim
Forked from msanders/snipmate.vimsnipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
brianc / hbs
Forked from pillarjs/hbsExpress view engine wrapper for Handlebars
AlexanderS / node-postgres
Forked from brianc/node-postgresPure JavaScript node.js PostgreSQL client - Well tested. Non-blocking. Active development.
excellentdrums / node-postgres
Forked from brianc/node-postgresPure JavaScript node.js PostgreSQL client - Well tested. Non-blocking. Active development.
brianc / turing-test.js
Forked from alexyoung/turing-test.jsDailyJS.com unit test tutorial
Middleware for Connect (node.js) for handling your static assets.
brianc / cookie-sessions
Forked from caolan/cookie-sessionsSecure cookie-based session middleware for Connect
JulianBirch / node-postgres
Forked from brianc/node-postgresPure JavaScript node.js PostgreSQL client - 100% async. 100% tested. Active development.
kaiko / node-postgres
Forked from brianc/node-postgresPostgreSQL Client for node.js. 100% async. 100% tested. 86% of the way to beta!
All the code you need to get started, with an emphasis on dynamic languages.
synhershko / NAppUpdate
Forked from leetreveil/.NET-Auto-UpdateA simple framework for providing auto-update support to .NET applications