All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- branch: cleanup
- description: cleanup the readme
- add version badge from
- cleanup TODO section
- add tests TODO
- make bash scripts more consistent
- edit bump output example
- branch: shipping-prep
- description: prepare the documentation for shipping
- improve docs for shipping mvp
- undo.js: remove console.log() debugger
- strategy-handler.js: remove debuggers
- branch: master
- description: add shebang to bump.js
- bump.js: Add missing shebang
- branch: yargs
- description: power the bump CLI with yargs
- yargs dependency
- src/ and src/modules/: create a modular system for building and handling the commands, see
- strategy.js: command module for handling the bumping logic
- undo.js: command module for handling the undo logic
- bump.js: refactor around yargs:
- use the yargs docs heavily to define the bump cli application, including:
- the default
bump <strategy> <message>
command that takes two required positional arguments - the
bump undo
command that undoes that prior bump
- the default
- define the command builder and handlers in the src/modules/ directory
- use the yargs docs heavily to define the bump cli application, including:
- branch: confirm-bump
- description: provide feedback in the terminal to the user
- chalk.js as a dependency
- bump.js:
- log out to the console upon an action event
- Add confirm() function for logging out feedback to console
- Add confirm() to bump()
- Require and use chalk.js via tagged template literal, see their docs
- log out to the console upon an action event
branch: master
description: Prep for publishing module:
- update commit message if major bump (add 🚢 to msg)
- update README w/ mvp docs
- Install
- Use
- update README w/ references
- update api docs
- help menu stuff
- prose
- update the list of constraints of the app (the assumptions, and explicitly write what it doesn't do)
- update api docs
- published on npm
- rename module with scope
- update metadata (author, keywords, bugs, repository)
- use
npm publish --access public
- changelog: Add notes on references that helped me reach v1.0.0
- readme:
- branch: master
- description: Add
- branch: master
- description: Write the basic functionality for bumping package file versions and committing with an appropriate message
- bump.js
- branch: master
- description: start project to create an automated flow for creating new releases for my node.js projects
- .gitignore
- package.json
- package-lock.json