Use prettier x-formatter
a code formatter with enhanced estree printer options from
prettierX, all in a
Prettier plugin.
Supported parsers:
Requires explicit configuration of parser. Recommended configuation helpers:
Recommended alternative: prettier-plugin-x-babel
with fixed use of Babel parser for ES languages JavaScript, Flow, and TypeScript.
Includes options from prettierX for improved consistency with "Standard JS" formatting, for example:
function * a () {}
console.log(typeof a)
with the following .prettierrc
semi: false,
generatorStarSpacing: true,
spaceBeforeFunctionParen: true
Note that for the non-Babel x-typescript
parser this plugin uses the TypeScript parser that is bundled with stock Prettier.
with Yarn (recommended):
yarn add --dev prettier-plugin-x
or with npm:
npm install --save-dev prettier-plugin-x
prettier --config ./sample-prettierx-prettierrc --parser=x-babel --check sample.js
with babel-ts
prettier --config ./sample-prettierx-prettierrc --parser=x-babel-ts --check sample.js
or with the TypeScript parser:
prettier --config ./sample-prettierx-prettierrc --parser=x-typescript --check sample.js
with babel-flow
prettier --config ./sample-prettierx-prettierrc --parser=x-babel-flow --check sample.js
- Thanks to
for an easy-to-understand Prettier plugin, which helped with the initial structure of this Prettier plugin.