3.6.0 (2021-12-06)
- add 3080ti (#2598) (4cfbd37)
- add 3080ti (#2600) (51c9b3a)
- add a few stores for spain (#2646) (0b060e8)
- add alternate-fr, 3070ti, change alternate to alternate.de (#2653) (8c7b8aa)
- add INCOGNITO to dotenv-example and volta support (#2484) (b579052)
- add interactive captcha handler with Slack and Discord (#2385) (409769e)
- add SCREENSHOT_DIR config option (#2801) (fe99aa4)
- add waitUntil and waitForSelctor to linksBuilder (#2437) (cac7c20)
- captcha: add support for configurable capture type (#2468) (6e614a2)
- change max price behavior (9b02c36)
- color empty stores (#2312) (bbfa808)
- coolmod: add linksBuilder and update selectors (#2803) (f297e1d)
- equippr: add links builder (#2795) (e631d80)
- gotify: add priority option (#2546) (32fe440)
- notification: add gotify (8f2de5d), closes #2541 #2536
- notification: add support for Free mobile (#2285) (6be2e0d)
- notifications: add apple push notifications (#2077) (6b78b2e)
- pushover: ability to specify device (#2101) (d03aea0)
- pushover: add support for sound (#2203) (83ce922)
- series: support for rx6700xt (#2290) (113c9ce)
- store: add amd-at (#2462) (441617f)
- store: add amd-be store (#2338) (6e9b1a9)
- store: add amd-nl store (#2072) (49c9e8c)
- store: Add AO and BT (UK) (#2089) (1714e89)
- store: add cyberport-at (#2463) (5a744b1)
- store: add materiel.net (french), 35 3060ti references (#2287) (0ebe745)
- store: add mediamarkt austria (#1836) (ae8e72a)
- store: add Microsoft (CA) for Xbox X/S (#2764) (ca784c8)
- store: add Microsoft for Xbox S/X (#2738) (d06d050)
- store: add MightyApe, NoelLeeming and TheWarehouse (NZ) (#2133) (e2d8040)
- store: add multicom.no and more products to NO stores (#2483) (41305f1)
- stores-nz: update labels (#2486) (c0f46d7)
- add missing tests in Dockerfile (#2323) (cd6e1f6)
- alternate: use button selector instead of text (#2419) (35f9eb4)
- amazon-es: use euroFormat (#2371) (4eb702b)
- amazon: false positives for xbox (#2497) (790fe9b)
- apns: use when specified (99a274d)
- bestbuy-ca: avoid false positive (#2694) (0c589a7)
- captcha: use Slack captcha handler token when provided (#2460) (164902a), closes #2428
- clear cookies when rotating proxies (#2575) (8854ce9)
- discord: add Discord.ClientOptions (#2714) (3787c54)
- discord: properly wait for webhooks (#2352) (bc59da1)
- docker: disable opening browser (d13f7f1)
- lookup: prevent terminal from being hidden (#2461) (39fac90)
- microcenter: add outOfStock label (#2432) (092919a), closes #2407
- nodemon: use npx with ts-node (#2423) (b6ac6c5)
- parsing prices with thousands separator and European format (#2153) (61f8e3a)
- partial url regexp (#2382) (61af2a4)
- playstation: fix inStock selector (#2187) (b0efc83)
- remove spaces from price (#2482) (eb76f0d)
- terraform: update IAM configuration for ECS deployment (#2675) (9c346e7)
- web: add favicon to prevent missing icon console error (#2375) (2be33ac)
- xbox: false positive (#2726) (e5e8481)
- parsing prices with thousands separator and European format (#2153) (91c4f12)
- replace euroFormat with regex (#2131) (0ff8158)
3.5.0 (2021-03-02)
- add restart time for leaking Chromium in Ubuntu (#1880) (1009ce6)
- add terraform infra as code for AWS fargate (#1987) (d341ef7)
- clean up proxy logging with n/N in each lookup (#1839) (8df4339)
- notification: add simple SmartThings switch activation (#1902) (c22c960)
- notification: add Streamlabs support (#1872) (edb39f8)
- nvidia: updated store for europe (#1732) (2143b15)
- sms: add US Cellular (#1874) (4455e4e)
- store: add globaldata (#2004) (5effbae)
- store: add ldlc (FR) (#2037) (a7be09d)
- store: add netonnet-no (#1989) (e6803d4)
- store: add Norwegian stores (#1985) (5a5927b)
- store: add novoatalho (PT) (#2043) (a3c726b)
- store: add PCDiga.com (#1990) (2501f6b)
- store: corsair-uk (#1733) (c81282e)
- use node 15, use package version (#2066) (eee669b)
- alternate: update URLs (#1814) (d63685f)
- amazon-ca: out of stock check was missing (#1885) (0e65f33)
- amazon-ca: update selector (#1851) (3293184)
- amazon-uk: add label for ps5 (8ee6815), closes #2036
- discord: ensure first group in list is notified (#1788) (9791568)
- docs: nvidia store changes (#1797) (de1427c)
- galaxus: update selector (#1730) (1015358)
- microcenter: properly flag in stock items (#1754) (ce609fb)
- nvidia: update inStock text (#1850) (4f57df0)
- remove package-lock.json (e3d0980)
- vuugo: add out of stock check (#1731) (9695e29)
- web: 404 Error / page not visible (#1825) (95b4a15)
- wipoid: corrected 3070 / 3080 links (#1879) (2572c8a)
3.4.1 (2021-01-17)
- proxy: build proxyList correctly (c177aed)
3.4.0 (2021-01-17)
- add browser opening to test:notification (f87053c)
- add c8 and mocha for testing (f87053c)
- add command parameter to set custom dotenv conf (#1590) (b03d242)
- add redis (#1390) (fb82526)
- asus: add outOfStock label (#1653) (d0a4667), closes #368
- azerty: add ryzen 5000 series (#878) (ca59777)
- caseking: add 3060ti/3070 cards / add missing 3080/3090 cards (#1715) (b2ebac3)
- galaxus: update selector, add out of stock check (#1607) (c9cda1e)
- lookup: add max price for xbox (f34a808), closes #1436
- lookup: add protection against infinite recursion for Cloudflare (#1505) (1cf618c), closes #1459 #1490
- lookup: handle Cloudflare DDoS protection (#1434) (f86a825), closes #1297
- proshop-de: add proshop-de inStock selector (#1633) (9c2ea8d)
- proxy: fallback to a global proxy list (#1388) (be1953b)
- pushover: add screenshot to push notification if available (#1552) (f9a3d03)
- remove stale user agents, use top 50 (6e2a162)
- store: add
store, addshopto
store (#1481) (ec8d357) - store: add equippr & futurex for DE region (#1501) (5b70ff1)
- store: add GPU and CPU support for Vuugo (#1555) (8ab6e1f)
- store: add more italian sites (#1701) (cb898c7)
- store: add pcking and acompc (#1470) (beee355)
- store: add SG Location for Amazon and Newegg (#1600) (ef926d2)
- store: addition of several australian sites (#1651) (2fa8937)
- store: specify links to navigate to between product searches (#1542) (0982774)
- twilio: add support to have multiple numbers (#1450) (83508bc)
- update Docker and ci (f87053c)
- vsgamers: add maxPrice selector(#1682) (84382de)
- web: properly set
attribute for labels (#1626) (c0638d2)
- acompc: false positives (#1699) (0a1198b)
- amazon-de-warehouse: update wrong maxPrice selector (#1514) (90fb430)
- bandh: asus cards / out of stock check added (#1670) (b821eab)
- bestbuy: shorter pageview urls and missing carturl links (#1613) (8faf320), closes #1610
- computeruniverse: false positives (#1698) (e0849c4)
- disable redis if not configured (6bc7737), closes #1516
- galaxus: maxPrice selector (#1469) (7a5bc22)
- galaxus: update selector ( 14.01.2020 07:00 ) (#1664) (a768eb4)
- galaxus: update selector (#1578) (ad5bd55)
- galaxus: update selector (#1599) (445a007)
- galaxus: update selector (#1705) (2120d29)
- lookup: check out of stock before price (#1422) (02d29c3)
- lookup: remove mobile versions of user agent (96ae818)
- newegg: false positives (all stores) (#1714) (3f191bb)
- properly pass array entries as separate indices (#1502) (0c6e2d5)
- proxy: fix requests with proxies (#1408) (f65df4c)
- proxy: update proxy module (#1451) (ab03702), closes #1437
- store: link builder in UK stores (#1486) (eb59dc3)
- store: Update 30 series links and models for store.asus.com (#1645) (20bea85), closes #1637
- store: update missing/mislabeled cards for Canadian retailers (#1574) (082776c)
- store: update out of stock detection for MediaMarkt and Saturn (#1549) (4f86d24), closes #1545
- webui: handling of file serving (#1383) (445689e)
- wipoid: added 3090/3080/3070/3060ti/ryzen store items (#1683) (be54171)
3.3.0 (2020-12-13)
- discord: dynamic currency symbol (#1328) (cccfde2)
- docs: add mkdocs (243109a)
- docs: add table sorting (#1258) (5955d10)
- lookup: use random user agents (#1335) (b599c23)
- notification: add discord groups (#1211) (2632386)
- notification: add sound player executable option (#1301) (8d19231)
- playstation: add queuing selector (#1173) (67b19a7)
- store: add darkhero motherboard to asus and microcenter (#1336) (29175c7)
- store: add EBGames (#1281) (27cfb94)
- store: add Irish store variants (#1373) (f70998f)
- store: add Megekko (#1216) (30bed2a)
- store: add several Australian stores, add some 3080 brands/models (#1367) (579cb97)
- store: add Toys R Us (#1257) (ac0bd2a)
- store: add Walmart (CA) (#1253) (b535b47)
- adblock: proxy another function to produce less errors (#1379) (eb70076)
- amazon-it: maxPrice selector and links (#1239) (84f2cb7)
- amazon-nl: inStock selector (b6964b0), closes #1366
- bestbuy-ca: add outOfStock text (58f0a9c), closes #1269
- bestbuy-ca: update selectors to help false positives (#1278) (0525119), closes #895
- ci: mkdocs deps (1f63e99)
- config: disable docker by default (dca916b)
- config: remove quotes (ef452d8)
- discord: notification groupings (ad0b2fe)
- docker: run in docker, and build scripts for docker (#1291) (c74ea28)
- eprice: inStock selector (5e1dfc3), closes #1067
- newegg: dedupe nitro+ models (#1300) (7329c6e), closes #1230
- newegg: price selector and mobile inStock (c3beedc), closes #1356
- pushover: add
(0072dda), closes #983 - store: update UK stores (#1372) (02825d0)
backwards compatibility (9b7c7e2)- add setRequestInterception (#1312) (a44621f), closes #826
- store: italian store checks (#1212) (e3eb386)
- allow users to still use
3.2.0 (2020-12-06)
- bestbuy: add 3060 series (#1074) (e9a39c4)
- bestbuy-ca: add 3060ti cards (29478bf)
- notification: add price to links (#1209) (15ec12b), closes #1188 #673 #1187
- proxy: socks5 support (#933) (364c6c2)
- store: add 3060ti to newegg-ca, canadacomputer, memoryexpress (#1172) (09f0236)
- store: add amazon-de-warehouse (#1102) (6de8c4a)
- store: add antonline store (#1042) (19eece1)
- store: add argos with ps5 (b2f5c1a)
- store: add awd(uk), add 3060ti link builders (#1114) (36e3806)
- store: add custom labels for links (#1183) (f7b32e8), closes #1132 #1163
- store: add el corte ingles (#1107) (75ee95b)
- store: add ePrice store (#1016) (30a51a3)
- store: add Euronics DE (#1045) (1774afc)
- store: add expert (#1105) (202698f)
- store: add Gamestop DE (#1046) (79a3f33)
- store: add Medimax (#1057) (7d29ef8)
- store: add Otto (#1096) (af96c5f)
- store: add smythstoys (1ed0593)
- store: add some italian stores with ps5 links (#976) (f663579)
- store: add spielegrotte (#1056) (cf70f1f)
- store: add wipoid store (#1018) (feae978)
- store: update the italian store links (#1002) (de7036c)
- topachat: add
(d7f2427), closes #1097 - add proxy rotation (settable per store) (#1026) (490d44e)
- amazon: price and cart buttons (6fd023e), closes #1125
- amazon-de:
selector (14cbd5a), closes #1178 - amazon-de: remove xbox cart links (cbc4330), closes #1095
- bestbuy-ca: model always indicating in stock (#1145) (06f3aaf)
- bestbuy-ca: replace old evga xc3 ultra (#1058) (65df944)
- canadacomputers: add
selector, use english links (#889) (06214eb) - memoryexpress: add backorder to
selector (#890) (67605a6) - newegg: maxPrice selector using used price (feddac7), closes #1052
- newegg: typo in 5800x url(#903) (a99eecb)
- scan: links builder (#1161) (ca5553c)
- smythstoys: add out of stock label (5bbdfa2)
- store: add backoffStatusCodes and new captcha container (#1110) (0b11238)
- store: removes unnecessary newegg links from bestbuy (#1126) (f2ae423), closes #1119
- store: update euroFormat for expert and otto (#1108) (e198e44)
- walmart: instock container and add test:series (21e74cf), closes #1106
- related products being picked up on scan (#954) (db18157)
3.1.0 (2020-11-22)
- asus: add backoff codes (#790) (501ea34)
- canadacomputers: add ryzen 5000 series (#842) (6f27330)
- coolmod: add
(#862) (4b689cb) - newegg-ca: add big navi links (#843) (6d292a1)
- notification: add product link to email and telegram (#816) (777c31b)
- playstation: add
label (#812) (eb314af) - store: add
store (#806) (7c28c7f) - store: add 3070 models to pccomponentes & coolmod (#820) (d0ebffd)
- store: add amd rx 6000 series model (#832) (89a762e)
- store: add captcha check to saturn and mediamarkt (#876) (2d01cfd)
- store: add corsair sfx PSUs (#881) (e552c91)
- store: add topachat (#776) (c38bebb)
- store: add vsgamers (#767) (53739e0)
- add amazon-fr to stores. (#766) (02d7c47)
- store: support for canadacomputers (#772) (bd69e47)
- amazon: add 5800x and 5600x (#802) (167713b)
- bestbuy-ca: use proper selector (#801) (63d550c)
- config: correcting newline split for multiple user agents (#824) (f16a9fb)
- store: generate links only for selected stores (292e360), closes #694
3.0.0 (2020-11-12)
- removed duplicated
- amazon: add more 3070s (#719) (dde9837)
- coolmod: add zen 3 (#754) (3270292)
- discord: add cart link to embed (#762) (ccb207a)
- store: support for kabum (amd and rtx 30 series) (#727) (23d061b)
- add option to disable auto add to cart (#759) (a5249ec)
- fix metadata in logging, lint prettier, typed
s (#747) (318e626) - amazon-ca: add ps5 (#713) (2570056)
- amd: add 5950 config (#685) (31a3d8f)
- amd: add env vars and series filtering (#696) (df3b10b)
- galaxus: add zen 3 (#729) (4e086e9)
- mindfactory: add ryzen 5900x, 5950x (#720) (0362bf8)
- notification: add philips hue (#681) (c8a9b0b)
- notification: support for multiple phone numbers (#738) (9f28fe5)
- ps5: add console and digital edition (#709) (42ef7cf)
- store: add
(#721) (38937f6) - store: add
store, add ps5 for uk stores (#736) (0128718) - store: add ps5 to german stores (#715) (2291b8e)
- store: add xbox series x and s (#732) (314f533)
- store: add zen 3 to german stores (#702) (71d5cb4)
- store: add zen 3 to more stores (#698) (760ddf5)
- store: Adds AM3 to microcenter (#707) (8a45905)
- target: add additional selector for 'ship it' (#737) (ab1fddf)
- add production scripts and better
(0d14500), closes #710 - bring back ascii banner, but make it configurable (#703) (0a680e9)
- memoryexpress website support (#717) (c02241c)
- docker: copy web directory (#745) (0754fec)
- walmart: ps5 digital url (#763) (841647c)
- environment variables to match ryzen cpus (5db8348)
- revert to 14.15.0 until 15 is stable for
(2955ea7), closes #691
- removed duplicated
2.0.0 (2020-11-05)
- update naming to
- update naming to
1.7.0 (2020-11-03)
1.6.0 (2020-10-29)
- add series to Discord webhook (#618) (273d058)
- api: add rudimentary web control panel (#183) (373d1a9)
- store: add founders editions to notebooksbilliger.de (#593) (2e5db7a)
- store: add max price containers to multiple stores (#579) (f9c4c25)
- store: add new cards to german web shops (#597) (699de57)
- store: Add PCComponentes and Amazon-ES Stores. (#558) (062201f)
- store: support for azerty (#557) (58416e1)
- store: support for coolmod (#605) (c1dda4f)
- add
to logger (#437) (ae6bc86) - add alternate.nl support (#552) (aca6523)
- add asus-de store and asus 3080 tuf/oc to amazon-de (#436) (b4d8733)
- add caseking and proshop-de store (#521) (1aaa102)
- add coolblue store (#482) (5c61333)
- add german stores (#462) (85a07dc)
- add incognito mode (#534) (2b6457e)
- add link series to error message for better context (#265) (332b4a8)
- Add PagerDuty Integration (#565) (11ee0bf)
- add proshop-dk (#524) (dc2fcf5)
- add support for multiple browser user agents (#547) (10a81dc)
- add uk stores (#455) (b9b6b55)
- allow filtering per model by a specific series (#595) (a42418f)
- optional per store min and max page sleep time (#576) (503d76f)
- notification: add
field for email (#327) (8828dd1) - store: add ttl for
(#555) (4847725) - add rog strix oc to amazon-de (#471) (e5909c5)
- add support for specifying smtp server (#458) (160ae37)
- allow multiple microcenter locations (#487) (2b0eab6)
- clear cookies and cache (#515) (1f89945), closes #417
- max price per series (#451) (8adc07a)
- mqtt alerts (#538) (68ff5bf)
- twitch chat notification, multiple telegram chat ids and german web shop overhaul (#528) (675f13a)
- docker: add docker and publish images to ghcr (#411) (c857985)
- notification: add at&t prepaid carrier (#425) (eb9d082)
- notification: add pushover priority setting (#186) (f277172)
- notification: add Twillio notification provider (#344) (f2f8d81)
- store: add
(#295) (f6760d3) - store: add 3090s to amazon-ca (#274) (e992cf4)
- store: add additional cards to all stores (#286) (d25a643)
- store: add amazon cards and
s (#284) (d69189f) - store: add asus strix oc to asus store (#385) (e55398e)
- store: add evga 3090 to newegg canada (#396) (313d176)
- store: add ftw3 ultra to microcenter (#448) (5109227)
- store: add gamestop (#390) (7148451)
- store: add models to bestbuy (#421) (4085136)
- store: add rog-strix-3080 to newegg-ca (#489) (207bc41)
- add
(#304) (eda6c85) - configurable status code behaviours (#340) (3b7487e)
- enhanced lookup behaviour (#270) (b868d1a)
- in stock wait time per link now (c7a716f)
- low bandwidth mode (#294) (0aa7ab5)
- max price filtering (#383) (fd294d2)
- store: adds aorus master 3080 to newegg (#402) (fddc002)
- retry logic for nvidia session token and adding to cart (#347) (1bac1b9)
- support for proxy server (#352) (fdcd787)
- store: nvidia debug card for "product details" page (#337) (5b8d774)
test urls (#345) (589fbbc)envOrNumber
behavior (#364) (7d8897c)nvidia-api
(#314) (8d8e5b5)- add
, captchaamazon-de
, add ftw3newegg
(#293) (a2983eb) - add status code
to bandhbackOffStatusCodes
(#404) (7a981e7) - add support for stores label text to have uppercase letters (#526) (5ea7cc4)
- asus store links (#573) (f6db348)
- bestbuy label container selector precision (#491) (cbc3b0b)
- corrected norway locales (#356) (d2476dd)
- cyclical dependencies (ed970fc), closes #468
- denver
name (#296) (349f55d) - dutch stores components (#513) (586029c)
- gamestop false positives (#395) (d3bb507)
- in stock wait time (#325) (07bd246), closes #315
- max price getter updated to match .env (#516) (32f114b), closes #514 #510
- page sleep (#586) (a2af30b), closes #594 #576
- remove 3090 drid for DK/FI regions (#361) (f1d22d1)
- trim strings from comma-separated values (#472) (f7ed865)
- typo in maxPrice for 3090 (#496) (e073590)
- update gigabyte model
vision oc
(#550) (4fefe22) - update new additions with web panel and sleep operations (#606) (61a23fe)
- update pushbullet import to match package (#637) (d7360f7)
- env: default
(9636572) - notification: discord false triggers (#346) (3b90bbb)
- notification: sms subject output (#298) (03755d5)
- notifications: twilio client creation (#349) (5414b24)
- store: gamestop
(9e7976d) - store: pccomponents model normalization (#563) (699e77d)
- updating amazon test model card to an in stock product (#492) (81daa7c)
- config:
quotations (#426) (b7e5941) - store: container names on
(#333) (772de90) - store: update
for newegg, newegg-ca (#433) (628cab1), closes #400
- reduce false-positive during ci/cd (79b9bfe)
1.5.0 (2020-09-24)
- filter models (#261) (e1b34a9)
- log: colors for console logs (#207) (0ad67fe)
- notification: add desktop notifications (#140) (722eaf3)
- notification: add pushbullet, add url with notifications (#226) (74490ea)
- notification: twitter integration (#224) (908ed35)
- store: add
label for stores (#173) (71c6774) - store: add amazon-de (#167) (8a70f14)
- store: add bestbuy.ca (#229) (22fd22f)
- store: add evga eu (#172) (605bdd7)
- store: add evga model (#220) (190388c)
- store: add microcenter store location config (#215) (d6a27c9)
- stores: add 3090 for bestbuy, newegg (#249) (dd45dba)
- stores: add 3090s for amazon-ca, bestbuy-ca, newegg-ca (#258) (482fb58)
- add chromium sandbox skipping (#209) (2065680)
- deprecate nvidia (api), add 3080 add 3090 (9f470f0)
- invert logic (#141) (6608a79)
- multiple discord roles and webhooks, qol for envs (#260) (8913879)
- store: add newegg.ca (#160) (76f5849), closes #159
- store: add office depot (#157) (0df2dcf)
- store: add zotac store (#214) (7875855)
- add delay on captcha to try and evade faster (#119) (4f83b3b)
- bestbuy bypass international splash, newegg add to cart (#153) (133a54f)
- card series filter, fix: newegg
(#120) (252459d) - custom user agent (#121) (d9be3fe)
- include screenshot for emails + sms notifications (#144) (7191e03)
- load puppeteer faster, run stores in parallel (#83) (d1a5aa1)
- set country in config, login to nvidia when starting (#162) (ebd6091)
- temporarily pause requests if store has stock (#147) (6413144)
- update for complex add to cart, fix nvidia (#108) (3ea146d)
- notification: discord integration (#82) (a3fc07d)
- scraping: change lookup impl, add randomize sleep (#110) (dc0f710)
- store: add adorama (#104) (5b91065)
- store: add asus (#102) (a501cf7)
- store: adorama captcha config (#234) (9a53917)
- color logs and notification (76b28a6)
- notification: change discord ping visibility (#168) (9675c5b)
- store: bandh removed cards (#201) (6409646)
not being defaulted (#106) (28947be)- check response for rate limiting (#58) (#98) (b7d9462)
- keep single
from draining (e819e46) - memory leak due to adblocker (#139) (0f6e570)
- nvidia: false positives (#132) (a75d214)
- newegg out-of-stock (#124) (770a13a)
- newegg out-of-stock labels (#134) (19c8f18)
- notification: wrong condition for sounds playing (#91) (103d96d)
- store: false positives for nvidia. (#85) (c65fa04)
1.4.0 (2020-09-19)
- notification: add mint mobile carrier (#70) (8aba7ec)
- notification: add pushover (#55) (c85658b)
- notification: add telegram (#71) (393d5f6)
- notification: add telus sms (6be74a1)
- store: add amazon.ca, fix timeout (#75) (d4de1a4)
- webpage toggle, sound notification, fix evga links (#52) (a217409)
1.3.0 (2020-09-19)
- store: amazon captcha false-positives (#54) (5c9e0b6)
- evga xc3 ultra link (#56) (d907092)
- screenshot size, add screenshot config setting (#53) (7cfc7c7)
- sms carrier config, add google carrier (#44) (971fec2)
1.2.0 (2020-09-19)
- ci: add
npm run build
(faad3e6) - store: microcenter (#39) (edf17e9)
- add Amazon links (#26) (f0560ce)
- add email test, fix memory leak (#24) (a2fb973)
- more Best Buy AIBs (#41) (7d7bd18)
- page timeout (#22) (643045c)
- slack integration (#34) (c0a881a)
- sms notification for usa carriers (#40) (5a3636b)
- update to check if FE in-stock via Digital River (#29) (00ede13)