Hello! My name is Bruno Marentes, and I'm excited to share a bit about myself. I am currently a Computer Science student at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM), with a passion for software, problem-solving, and technology innovation.
In my current academic program, I am studying several subjects, which include: Advanced Algebra II, Graph theory, Discrete Structures, English III, Data Structures and Mathematics for Applied Sciences II. These subjects are an important part of my current education.
I am proficient in a variety of tools and technologies, including:
- Programming Languages: Python, Java, Haskell.
- Tools: Git.
When I'm not studying or working on projects, I enjoy:
- Hobbies: reading, playing video games, studying piano, playing basketball, etc.
Feel free to reach out to me via:
- Email: brunosmarentesm@gmail.com brunomarentes@ciencias.unam.mx
- GitHub: brunomarentes
Thank you for taking the time to read about me. I look forward to connecting!