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GO 1.12 or above (now GOPATH and supports modules) golang download

Always good to have latest command line tools and Xcode (LLDB debuggers etc..)



A script is provided as a convenience to install all the tools needed for code completion, debugging, modules, etc...

$ installgotools

Installing gocode (auto completion) ...
Installing gooutline (symbol search current file) ...
Installing gosymbols (symbol search in current workspace)...


$ which gocode

See scripts/

Command Line Scripts

Convenience shortcuts for building, running and debugging


go build, fmt and install to bin (in path)


gb and then run

[dev] $ gb
building helloworld

[dev] $ which helloworld

[dev] $ gr
building helloworld
running helloworld
Hello World!


Start remote debugger for current go project. See debugging below.

VS Code

Install plug in

Install "Go for Visual Studio Code" (ms-vscode.go)


Modules are now released with GO 1.12 and above

Modules Overview

HelloWorld in Study

[dev] ~/Projects$ study
[dev] ~/Study$ cd go
[dev] ~/Study/go$ mkdir helloworld && cd helloworld

Create a module

[dev] ~/Study/go/helloworld$ go mod init helloworld
go: creating new go.mod: module helloworld
[dev] ~/Study/go/helloworld$ touch main.go

edit main.go

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello World!")

NOTE: adding a new line with fmt. should give you intellisense

build and run

[dev] ~/Study/go/helloworld$ gr
building /Users/bryan/Study/go/bin/helloworld
running /Users/bryan/Study/go/bin/helloworld
Hello World!


VS Code Debug Wiki

Start remote debugger in the prog dir (addresses STDIN issue below):

$ cd someprogram
$ gd
API server listening at: [::]:2345

pass arguments to the program being debugged:

$ gd arg1 arg2

Create a 'Remote' config in VS Code, set breakpoints and debug.

    "configurations": [
            "name": "Remote",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",            
            "mode": "remote",
            "program": "${fileDirname}",
            "remotePath": "${fileDirname}",
            "port": 2345,
            "host": "",            
            "env": {},
            "apiVersion": 1,
            "args": []

ISSUE: Can't debug a program using stdin.


Open. From terminal:

$ goland

Create a new project (new folder or existing):

Preferences (or wrench bottom right). Set GOPATH for project and uncheck from env. This means you can launch from anywhere


Debugging with Delve in Terminal

Delve from the cmdline

[dev] ~/Study/go/src/helloworld$ dlv debug main.go -- arg1
Type 'help' for list of commands.
(dlv) break main.go:9
Breakpoint 1 set at 0x10ae9e4 for main.main() ./main.go:9
(dlv) break main.go:10
Breakpoint 2 set at 0x10aeaa0 for main.main() ./main.go:10
(dlv) continue
> main.main() ./main.go:9 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x10ae9e4)
     4:		"fmt"
     5:	)
     7:	func main() {
     8:		msg := "Hellow World!"
=>   9:		fmt.Println(msg)
    10:		fmt.Println("")
    11:	}
(dlv) print msg
"Hellow World!"
(dlv) continue
Hellow World!
> main.main() ./main.go:10 (hits goroutine(1):1 total:1) (PC: 0x10aeaa0)
     5:	)
     7:	func main() {
     8:		msg := "Hellow World!"
     9:		fmt.Println(msg)
=>  10:		fmt.Println("")
    11:	}
(dlv) continue

Process 6739 has exited with status 0
(dlv) exit
Process 6739 has exited with status 0
[dev] ~/Study/go/src/helloworld$ 

Debugging Stdin Issues

Version 2018.2 (use this): Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger and enable the Use native backend option.

Enable the PTY mode for the run configuration as this is not something that is supported by default. Press CTRL|Command + ALT + SHIFT + / then go to Registry, start typing run.processes.with.pty and enable this option.

Version 2018.3:

This doesn't work because of stdin debugging needs native backend

Then edit custom properties of IDE: Help | Edit Custom Properties and add there two lines:

dlv.path=<path/to/your/compiled/dlv> dlv.native.backend=true

Useful Links

VGO Dependency Management

GoLand Stdin Debugging Issue