webrat Public
Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
rack-bug Public
Debugging toolbar for Rack applications implemented as middleware
rubysonar Public
Forked from zlfera/rubysonara type inferencer and indexer for Ruby
pysonar2 Public
Forked from fabioz/pysonar2an advanced static analyzer for Python
tern Public
Forked from ternjs/ternA JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
jedi Public
Forked from davidhalter/jediAwesome autocompletion and static analysis library for python.
rope Public
Forked from python-rope/ropea python refactoring library
python-anti-patterns Public
Forked from quantifiedcode/python-anti-patternsAn open collection of Python anti-patterns and "worst practices", many of which can be checked automatically on QuantifiedCode
sourcegraph-browser-extensions Public
Forked from inotnako/sourcegraph-browser-extensionsSourcegraph browser extensions
A personal music streaming server that works.
codeclimate Public
Forked from qltysh/qltyCode Climate CLI
testjour Public
Distributed test running with autodiscovery via Bonjour (for Cucumber first)
rips-scanner Public
Forked from robocoder/rips-scannerRIPS - A static source code analyser for vulnerabilities in PHP scripts
LicenseFinder Public
Forked from pivotal/LicenseFinderFind licenses for your project's dependencies.
blackbox Public
Forked from StackExchange/blackboxSafely store secrets in Git/Mercurial/Subversion
atlas-examples Public
Forked from ketan/atlas-examplesPublic examples for using Atlas by HashiCorp
pydep Public
Forked from sourcegraph/pydepa simple command line tool / package that prints the dependencies of a python project
discourse Public
Forked from codeclimate-test/discourseA platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
Ruby GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedAug 24, 2015 -
opencfp Public
Forked from opencfp/opencfpRepo for OpenCFP project, a PHP-based conference talk submission system
redmine Public
Forked from redmine/redmineMirror of redmine code source - Official SVN repository is at https://svn.redmine.org/redmine - contact: @jbbarth or jeanbaptiste.barth (at) gmail (dot) com
bert Public
Forked from mojombo/bertBERT (Binary ERlang Term) serialization library for Ruby.
boot2docker Public
Forked from boot2docker/boot2dockerLightweight Linux for Docker
conqat Public
Forked from vimaier/conqatConQAT sources with own Python extensions
statsd Public
Forked from statsd/statsdSimple daemon for easy stats aggregation
posix-spawn Public
Forked from rtomayko/posix-spawnFast Process::spawn for Rubys >= 1.8.7 based on the posix_spawn() system interfaces
mongomapper Public
Forked from mongomapper/mongomapperA Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 26, 2013