- Redmond, WA
A plugin for Redmine that allows users to create little status updates on a per-project basis ala Twitter.
bterlson / observational
Forked from jamesgolick/observationalUse the observer pattern to better divide your objects' responsibilities.
bterlson / state_machine
Forked from pluginaweek/state_machineAdds support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
whymirror / blimlimb
Forked from bterlson/blimlimbblimLimb, the travelling IRC bot troupe, running on yail
bterlson / thinking-sphinx
Forked from pat/thinking-sphinxSphinx plugin for Rails and Merb
bterlson / urb
Forked from dwaite/urbWorlds smallest, most non-compliant ruby implementation
Interface with the Constant Contact api
A plugin for Redmine that allows users to create little status updates on a per-project basis ala Twitter.
brentr / matzruby
Forked from tmm1/matzrubyThe "MBARI" patches to the Matz Ruby Interpreter. See the Wiki for latest usage info.
bterlson / dm-more
Forked from cardmagic/dm-moreExtras for DataMapper, including bridges to DataObjects::Migrations and Merb::DataMapper
blakewatters / reddit
Forked from bterlson/redditAn interface to the Reddit API
bterlson / autumn
Forked from RISCfuture/autumnEasy, fresh, feature-rich IRC bots in Ruby
foca / integrity
Forked from integrity/integrityDon't mind this, go to http://github.com/integrity/integrity